Wednesday, June 20, 2007

her little tricks...

Seriously, this girl keeps me laughing on a daily basis. She's been doing this new trick lately where she hides her pacifier in our shoes. For the last three or four days, as I go to put my gym shoes on, I find one...sitting right inside. Yesterday, I caught her in the act...leaving a gift for her daddy.

She's still really in to this mimicking thing, too. I had left my swim suit on the floor after returning from the pool yesterday , and as I was changing, I looked down, and saw this...


  1. She just wants to be like her mom. That's exactly what I hope she becomes!
    Love ya!

  2. isn't this age so fun? ava makes me laugh at least 3 times a day!

    (what a sweet comment john left for you!)

  3. She is such a sweetie. We love that Ruby girl! JR loved having her over the other night. We love you guys! If we don't get to say goodbye b4 we leave - have a fun trip to UT. We will see you when we get back! Love ya!

  4. These pictures are so fun. I am so excited to see her!
