Thursday, April 12, 2007

lions & tigers & bears...oh my!

oh, and I mustn't forget the orangutans...

The most adorable and lovable little creature...all snuggled up to his mommy

I took Ruby to the Phoenix Zoo today. I was pretty excited because the last time we went, (over Thanksgiving break--with Paul, Amy, Rob, and Brooke), Ruby was only five months old, and frankly, hadn't a clue what was going on. I really don't know why I figured, at ten months, she'd suddenly "get it", like a light would just go on or something. I seriously pictured her having the time of her life, just laughing, and oohing and aweing over every creature and critter...
As it was, she pretty much napped the entire time, and during her few moments of vigilance, I don't think she even acknowledged the subsistence of a single species.
She did, however, get a few moments of enjoyment from the water fountains, and was easily entertained while observing the frivolity of the other children...
I myself, benefited in more ways than one. First, there are these great hills everywhere, which enabled me a second workout for the day. Second, the sun was out, which meant the beginnings of a golden suntan. Third, I got some social fulfillment from conversing with the other moms that were present.
All in all, it was a good experience for me, (and hopefully for Ruby, too). I guess I wouldn't be opposed to trying it another five months or so (ha ha ha).

Ruby with little buddy JR

This crazy new crawl she's been experimenting with...

Laughin' and lovin' the water fountains...

Our trip to the zoo this past November...we were really going to take that thing out (with all of us on it), until we were so rudely prohibited...I guess they have some rule that kids under two cant ride (something dumb like that) least it made for a great picture :)

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