Monday, April 9, 2007

grandma judy...

We were so privileged to have my sweet, sweet Mother-in-law in town this weekend. We hadn't seen her since Christmas, so when I heard that she'd be coming (last minute), I was absolutely beside myself. She was the breath of fresh air that I was so needing, and the few days we were able to spend with her did not disappoint. She has never treated me less than one of her own, and indeed, I am blessed to have her as a Mom! It was definitely not easy seeing her off this morning...but, June really is just around the corner. I love you Judy...thank you, thank you, thank you, for your countless sacrifices in our behalf.

I had to throw one in of Ruby with her gorgeous Aunt Julie...


  1. Thank you Nicole for being the beautiful, sweet, mother, wife and daughter that you are. I love to be with you, laugh with you and share all of the special moments that we have had together. I look forward to seeing you again, and I will love you forever.

  2. BTW Lara reads a ton and always has good recommendations. Check out her blog for a bunch of reviews on her recent reads.
