Wednesday, March 21, 2007

"perfect love casteth out all fear..."

I'm currently serving as the second counselor in the Young Women's Presidency of our ward. I've always dreamed of working with the young women, so when I received the call to serve in this capacity, I was super excited. For the first couple of months, however, I wasn't sure how well I was received by the girls...I felt pretty insecure, afraid of my responsibilities, and, I'll even admit, a bit intimidated by the girls.
But tonight something magical occurred...
We had our New beginnings night, and all the girls attended with their parents. I was sitting in a row up front with the YW President, the 1st Counselor, and Jenny (the Laurel that was conducting). Our chairs were positioned so that we were able to look out into the audience. Just as a side note, something that people may not know about me is that I love to "people watch". (Actually, my Dad does know this about me because the two of us sat at Disney Land, for over an hour or two, and veritably watched hundreds of people pass us by, while the rest of our group went on rides. We've talked about that experience several times since, as we were able to make some interesting observations.) So back to my story...As I looked out over the group of girls and their parents, the Spirit touched me, and literally burned within my bosom. I was overwhelmed by the love I felt for each and every girl in that room. As I looked at each beautiful face, I felt almost like I could see deep into their souls. What is she thinking? What does she feel? What is her home life like? Does she have many friends? What trials might she be facing? What are her hopes and dreams? What are her fears? My eyes welled with tears. I could hardly contain myself. I wanted to shout out (to each one individually), I love you, and your Father in Heaven Loves you even understand your self worth? My thoughts drifted back to when I was a young teen, I remembered (at times) feeling so weak, so vulnerable, so insignificant, so mediocre... My good parents, often (in such sweet and loving ways ), reassured me of my self worth. That I was important, talented, that I had a lot to offer. But, despite their efforts, I so often felt small and inconsequential. (I now realize that those insecurities came from the adversary in his efforts to demoralize me...)
As I looked at these beautiful girls, I so badly wanted them to know and feel for themselves what I felt, and what their parents must feel, and what their Heavenly Parents feel. Each so special, and unique, so important, so needed. I feel so blessed and so privileged to work with these beautiful, talented, gifted, individuals; and I no longer feel intimidated, or afraid...for perfect love casteth out all fear...

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