Tuesday, March 20, 2007


When Ruby was born, my friend (who is an ASL interpreter), gave me the Baby Signing Time DVDs, which are supposed to teach babies to communicate long before they can actually speak (some even before 9 months). It teaches ASL signs for simple words such as eat, drink, water, milk, mom, dad, etc. When Ruby was about three months old, I started putting them on for her, and she was completely hooked from the very beginning. (Of course at that point I could have put her in front of The Grudge, and she would have been equally as obsessed.) Anyway, she's watched the DVDs practically on a daily basis for the past 6 months; and, the other day, I witnessed the fruits of my labor (not that it was really all that difficult to plop her in front of the TV)! But anyway, the other day we were sitting in Stake conference, and Ruby started to fuss a little. I figured she was hungry, and tired, and probably ready for her bottle. I had packed one in the diaper bag, but, before pulling it out, I did the sign for milk, simply to see if she would react...and she did! As soon as she saw me signing to her, she immediately arched her back, flung her head back, and lay flat and stiff, in my lap...just as she does every time we give her her bottle. Need I remind you that it was still tucked away in her diaper bag? I hadn't even said the word milk (or bottle), she just knew, simply by my signing it! John and I were flabbergasted! I thought that it may have been just a funny coincidence, but later that afternoon, I tried it again, and you'll never believe what happened...SHE SIGNED IT BACK! (I then rewarded her with a nice, warm, delicious bottle of milk!

I was hoping to be able to capture it on video...unfortunately, she became a little camera shy, and feisty (notice how she kicks her dad)! Here's our attempt anyway... (watch her little hand).


  1. I love it! Bennett started signing a few things recently too! All done, he uses milk for drink, and the sign for more. He gets so excited when he does it. Ruby is so young to do that.....what a smart little one you have!

  2. George loves to sign too. I also really like the Baby Einstein Wordsworth DVD...George loves it and it does a good job of connecting the signing with language and has helped George learn some new words. Ruby is a little smarty...I don't think George did his first sign until 14 months. He understood a lot of signs before then but would never do them himself. I am impressed.

  3. I knew it! She's a genius! (As evidenced by her signing, not by kicking her dad.) :-)

  4. Nic, Ruby is such a gem! I was finally able to get on and read your awesome stories and the look at the fun pictures. Matt and I don't have internet at home, but I'll be checking it at work. Love you and miss you.

  5. Congratulations! It really is AMAZING each time a little one starts signing. You do deserve the credit especially because Ruby is signing so young.

    Even I find myself thinking "Wow! This REALLY works!"

    Thanks for blogging about Signing Time!

  6. Oh my goodness! I can't believe how smart she is! And she's growing so fast! Every time I see her she looks older, bigger, and more beautiful. And she's a genius too! Goll by the next time I see her she'll be as tall as the statue of liberty and speaking German! Maybe you could teach her to say "I love my aunt angie"? :)

  7. This is too cute, even though she is kicking John. I love to watch her little hands sign.
