Wednesday, April 16, 2008

something to look forward to...

I love that John only works 5 minutes from home and that we get to enjoy lunch together almost everyday. Whether it's leftovers at home, pb & J's at the office, or out to one of our favorite restaurants, our lunch hour together is something I look forward to each day. Yesterday we went to AJ's where they have an outdoor grill. I don't know what it is about that place that I love so much. More than the food, I think it's the ambiance that I really enjoy. I love the patio garden cafe feel, and the small wrought iron tables and chairs, and the pots overflowing with bright colored flowers, and the fact that it's located in one of the cutest little shopping centers around...
For these reasons and more, I always get excited about lunch at AJ's. Plus there's nothing quite like a big ol' ice cold coke to go with your big ol' juicy - hot off the grill - cheeseburger.

That is...unless your daughter gets a hold of it, and finishes it off herself.

I made the mistake, when Ruby was really young, of letting her try some of my coke. Looks like it's had a lasting effect on her, as she wouldn't even give daddy's lemonade a chance.


  1. I've never been, but have heard it's good! Ruby is too funny!

  2. George calls Coke "mommy's juice."

  3. Oh so cute. Love the pictures. You ARE so lucky to have a husband that work so close. I would love to have Bryan come home at lunch or be home 5 minutes after he leaves work. How great!

  4. I LOVE AJ's too. So fun to go to and such yummy food. I especially love their baked goods. Grocery shopping there is awesome too because they have the specialty foods.

    That is so nice that you guys get to have lunch together everyday. How lucky are you! I also love the pictures of Ruby with her Coke.

  5. Ruby cracks me up! Gotta love the Coke!

  6. My boys are way past the point of no return. They had sips of my diet coke way too young, and LOVE to sharemy drinks.

  7. That is so funny! Next time I'm in AZ I'll have to check it out. Sounds fun!!

  8. i've always wanted to eat there, but have yet to try it.

    i would love to be able to have bryce nearby for lunch dates, what fun!

  9. Ha! I have also made the same mistake (Can we REALLY call it a mistake? Really?) with my darling daughter. She will hold an unopened can to her mouth if it's available, no doubt thinking the goods are going to just come pouring out. These girls of ours... Just like their mommas. :)

  10. Hi Nicole! This is Joe Coombs wife Marci. I can totally relate to your coke story. Since my kids have pretty much had Diet Coke since they were in my womb...they are pretty much addicted too. And it really has no effect on them like it should They can drink it at 9:00 at night and go right to bed. Sad, but true. Glad to hear Ruby is doing so much better from the accident! She's so cute!

  11. How fun! That reminds me of Gavin...he loves taking sips from daddy's big ol' jug of diet coke! I hate the I never have to share :0)
    I'm so glad she is doing so well!

  12. oh my gosh. Ruby is such a funny girl!! I love her outfits in all the pics you take. Her face looks almost perfect again!! wow!

    We miss you guys.. hope to see you soon.

  13. That is so cute! My boys also LOVE soda and it doesn't matter what kind it is. But for some reason they always want the Coke more than their Root Beer. Oh well I say.

  14. The girl's got spunk. Love it! She's healing so beautifully, Nicole. I'm so happy! Thanks for keeping us all posted on everything. I always love reading your blog. You guys are in my prayers.

  15. I always love reading your blog! Ruby is so cute!! I'm afraid my kids are hooked too! It's just too could she not choose it over lemonade?
