Tuesday, April 22, 2008

fweep fwops...

Isn't it interesting how most children seem to have a special comfort item...something tangible that they just can't live without? Ever since Ruby was born, she immediately became attached to her binky, which still today, remains her constant. But it seems like every week or so, she becomes attached to something new...from baby dolls to blankies, and everything in between. And, apart from her binky, this particular "item of the week", seems to be the only thing that will bring a smile during her most grief-stricken moments.
This week it's flip flops, which she affectionately refers to as her "fweep fwops". She's always had an interest in our shoes, and more particularly, our flip flops, so when we were at Old Navy, and she spotted some in her very own size (actually just a couple sizes too big)...she, well, didn't hide the the fact that she really, really wanted them. We bought her two pairs (since they were 2 for $5), which she has worn alternately for going on two weeks now. It just makes me laugh to think that she could actually love these things enough to want to wear them to bed - not to mention...

in the shower.

Look closely and you'll notice that she's holding another very important comfort item in her left hand.


  1. How funny. I was talking to my sister today about how her little girl has new flip flops that even go to bed with her. Whatever makes them happy!

  2. When we were on our trip we stopped in an Old Navy and bought the kiddos some, too bad they were 2 for $6 there! They love them too! Cute pics!

  3. That is very sweet, she takes after her mom and a love for shoes!! i love that she wanted to take them to bed.

  4. She is so funny Nicole. I think she actually knows me now in Nursery because she wanted me to hold her last Sunday and came straight to me, she didn't do that before. I love her to pieces and she is just so sweet. I too am so so so excited to be staying in the ward! I'm looking forward to plenty more train park visits and fun outings to come!

    I'll call you when I'm on my way to jury duty (not looking forward to that) tomorrow so we can talk about which days we can go. Hopefully I'm not selected as a juror or I might have to attend jury duty the rest of the week...

  5. Oh my gosh, that's so funny! I love it when little kids wear flip flops.I love that Ruby says fweep fwops! I babysat a friend's 2 year old daughter last week and she calls her flip flops, "tip tops". So funny!!

  6. She is so cute. I love the things kids do.

  7. That is so cute. I love that Ruby girl and the pics are awesome!

  8. That is adorable. I love those pictures. Anistyn called them "woop wops" until last summer. I miss that!

  9. I love it! It is sooo adorable! I love the pictures!

  10. Is she the cutest! That is so sweet! I love it "Fweep fwops"! =)

  11. Alex has some flip flops from Old Navy too, but she calls them slip slops! Ruby is just too cute!

  12. Ok, I had the funniest dream about Ruby last night. I was babysitting, and we were at the grocery store. Half way in the middle of the aisle, she says "SweepandMop!" So, she pulled a swiffer from the cart and we started sweeping. Somehow my brain contorted the "fweep fwops" I read yesterday into "SweepandMop!" Crazy, huh? Anyway, I just love reading about the cute things she does Nicole. That girl has got personality! Love it!

  13. She is so cute! Just the other day, Justin mentioned you guys and how cute Ruby is. I love the little mis-pronunciations.

  14. i stumbled across your blog through your adoption profile on the lds adoption pages. anyway i gave up my first son for adoption when i was 18 year old through lds services. ever since i really admire those who want to adopt and like to see all the different couples out there. i really hope you will be blessed. ruby is adorable and i am glad you have her in your life. i really enjoy your blog.
