Thursday, October 18, 2007

sweet 16...

My darling niece, Karen, turned 16 back in May. Recently, she was asked to her high school's Homecoming dance...which will be held in a couple of weeks. It will be her first. I was so honored that she asked me to go dress shopping with her. We were finally able to get together this week and had the best time. It was a breeze too, if you can believe that. I can remember shopping with my mom for hours and hours, and days on end to find something I liked. Not Karen. After leaving Nordstrom empty handed, we decided to check out Anthropologie...and it was there that we found the perfect dress. She tried it on. It looked great on her. We both loved it. And that was that. Easy as pie....
It was so neat for me to be involved in this first with Karen. She is such a beautiful person, not only on the outside, but also from within. I have no doubt that her date will be beaming with sweet Karen by his side!


  1. Nicole! i found your blog through Kelly's. I can't believe how big Ruby is! She's is so adorable! When are you coming to Utah again? Come to Nordstrom and say hi if you can!

  2. How fun! I can't wait to see it!

  3. How fun! Hey, Alex and Ruby have the same dress! I love it.

  4. What a fun experience! I think the last time I saw her she must have been 7 or 8! Crazy how time flies. She is so beautiful!

  5. What a compliment. So many girls take their best friends or mom, but you got picked above all. How fun.
