Friday, October 19, 2007

some funny little comparisons...

Okay here's the first one. The picture on the left was taken in Burzaco, Argentina (my first area) - probably about a month or two before I even arrived. It's a picture snapped by my trainer, of our landlord and his wife, trying to fix a plumbing problem. The picture on the right was taken a couple of months later, and is the result of two sister missionaries (Hermana Bingham and I ), who had to be in before dark (because of the dangerous area in which we served), who had already completed their planning, studying, etc., both feeling rather dippy...therefore could think of nothing better to do with their time than to pose as the Argentine landlords for a pic. (Don't you just love all the silly details we thought of - from the blue container sitting in the the stick (albeit much thicker) that we rounded up for the water reserve tank? And I love that we had clothes similiar to those worn by people probably 50 years our senior!)

The second comparison. The picture on the left was taken by my husband while serving as a missionary nearly 8 years ago - in Richmond, California. This is a homeless man that would stand on this particular corner, always displaying a sign with some type of clever saying on it.
The picture on the right was taken by me, a week ago while touring my husband's mission. Yes. It's the same man, on the same corner...just looking a bit older, and holding a different sign!

And Finally...The picture on the left is of a little clay house that was given to John by the Franco family. While serving in the area, John had always commented to Sister Franco how much he loved the casita hanging on the wall of their family room. She was so proud to present her little prize to John as a farewell gift just before he went home.
When John and I returned to this particular area, we learned that the Franco family had since moved; and Sunday morning, before church, we decided to pay them a visit. While we were conversing, John mentioned to the family that he still had the little casita gift they had given to him, and that it was hanging on one of the walls in our office. The sister proceeded to tell us that she had been searching high and low (in Mexico as well as the US) for a casita as beautiful as the one she had given away. Especially now, she told us, because our new house is the same peach color as the little casita, and even has a matching sun displayed by the front door. John offered to return it to her, but she insisted that it was a gift meant for him; and assured him that he had the prettiest little casita ever to be found! So the picture on the right is of John with Brother and Sister Franco in front of their new house. Can you see the two little matching suns? And how funny that the houses are so similar, from the exterior color, to the white trim, to the potted plants adorning the front porch...
We just might have to find a way to get that little house back to Sister Franco :)


  1. Those are crazy pictures! Your Cali trip looked like a blast! And without a baby, WOW! How fun!

  2. Oh, that is so great! I am so jealous that you got to go back to John's mission with him. I am sure everyone was so excited to see Elder Eagleston and meet his cute wife. I am waiting for the day I can go with Bran back to his. Love it.

  3. what a fun post this is! i loved those first pics of you re-enacting the plumbing problem... so funny!!! (you get 3 exclamation marks... that's how funny i think that is.)

  4. This is a cute post. Those first two pics are a hoot!

  5. Too, too crazy! I'm so glad you guys had a good time. I LOVED reading this post. (I could say that about all your posts though, Nicole.) :D
