Thursday, October 20, 2011

she's one of a kind

i have so, SO much to catch up on...but judging by the way i've been feeling lately, my guess is that the "catching up" may never actually happen. maybe one day (when i have a ton of energy/ motivation, and i'm feel really, really great) i'll bust about about 50 posts.

we've been practicing for ruby's talk on sunday. it's the annual children's sacrament meeting program, and she will be giving a short talk on her experience in the salt lake temple when we took asher to be sealed into our family. she was only three, but surprisingly, she remembers quite a bit about that special day. we try to talk about it a hope is that by doing so, she will keep those memories in her heart forever. since she hasn't actually mastered reading, she will be giving her talk from memory. if she can pull it off how she's been practicing, it will be a hit. i couldn't help but post this little preview for your enjoyment. i thought it was just about the cutest thing ever...the hand motions, the facial expressions, and yes, even the bloopers.

and this is her first time through without any prompts...

and here she takes a small break from reviewing her talk, to be a frog. there's no one else quite like ruby girl...she's one of a kind, that's for sure.

and please, don't pay any attention to my pathetic self...lying (sick as a dog) on the unmade bed. it's the story of my life these past couple of months. i know, it's DANG depressing.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. OK.... I will repost with my fingers on the right keys of the keyboard...

    I LOVE this gal! Her talk is the best! And how are we supposed to sing "I love to see the Temple" right after this? I better have a box of tissues?

  3. That is so cute! She's so adorable! The frog thing is so hilarious too! I love seeing her little personality.

    And please, you are not pathetic. You are pregnant and I'm pretty sure everyone feels that way pregnant. Just enjoy the excuse to relax! :)

  4. She is too sweet. I wish we could be around her more... and the rest of you guys :) Hope you get feeling better soon. Love you.

  5. She is so cute! And I love that you shared it! Hope you start feeling better, but then you will move on to the uncomfortable stage? We can't wait to see you guys! And tell ruby good luck!

  6. Absolutely adorable! And I loved your, "You did it!" at the end. So sweet.

    Oh, and what is the update on Jude, if you don't mind me asking? A couple posts ago your wrote about some uncertainties with your ultrasound. I hope all is well.
