Thursday, August 18, 2011

a night on the town

it's been nearly a week since my surgery, and since i was given strict orders by my doctor to be down.
i'm pretty proud of myself, if you want to know the truth, i haven't cheated very much at all.
i think one of the things i've missed the most, is just the good old outside air.
haven't gotten even one dose of that since i came home from the hospital friday night.
and i also think i've done myself a disservice by not opening up my bedroom curtains during the day to at least catch a glimpse of the sun, and to invite some beautiful natural light into the room. it's no wonder i'm feeling gloomy these days.
john called me on the way home from work and asked if i had looked out the window to see the massive storm that was heading our way.
i had no idea.
how could i with the blinds shut and the curtains drawn? (does that mean closed? hope so.)
i got up to take a quick peek.
now, i'm not a huge lover of the rain, but seeing those dark, heavy clouds that were looming overhead - just made me want to go out and take a big breath of that fresh air and catch a nice waft of that beautiful smell that always precedes the rain.
i wanted (NEEDED) more than anything to get out.
i begged john to take me somewhere...anywhere.
he agreed on walmart only because of those nifty jazzy power chairs that they have.
and i know for a fact that walmart has them, because i see at least 80 people cruisin' around the store in them every time i go. no lie. and i'm sure you do too.
as we were getting ready to leave the house, ruby asked if she could take her brella (umbrella),
but i talked her out of it.
ruby, wouldn't it be so fun if the rain just started pouring down, and we got caught in it, and ended up completely drenched? (that's what i was secretly hoping for.)
with an enormous and very hopeful smile on her face, she agreed that that would be the best thing that could ever happen to us on our little outing.
john pulled right up to the front curb, and left me and the kids in the car while he went inside and picked up the jazzy.
it was pretty hilarious watching him ride out of the store with it.
he helped me out of the car, after which i settled my big pregnant booty right in to it.
it felt like it was made just for me.
after taking a minute to familiarize myself with the controls, and sanitizing the heck out of it,
i invited the children to hop on for the ride of their lives.

we didn't even need a darn thing, but somehow we still managed to fill up the basket, and spent $80 on nonsense.
it was worth it though.
for all of those crazy stares and looks of disgust.
for all of those fixtures that we nearly hit (actually we pretty much knocked over two of them).
and for all of the toes that we almost ran over.

it was the best night on the town i could have dreamed of...well, except for the fact that i almost fell asleep in the checkout line, and also i was a little disappointed that we never ended up getting caught in the rain.
i guess we were about an hour too early.
it's pouring buckets out there right now.
i may wait til john falls alseep, and then sneek out in my little nighty, and do a quick twirl or two as the rain splashes my face and soaks my hair.
and then i'll crawl back into my nice warm bed,
and nestle deep down into the soft covers,
and drift gently

sounds like heaven to me.


  1. Hi Nicole this is Chelsee (Maples) Snider. I really hope you don’t mind but I have been reading your blog for about a year now. I started when I found out about your adoption. Matt and I were also going to adopt a baby that would be out of state. I called your dad and asked for your number, but I never used it because the birth mom backed out of the adoption. I don’t know if anyone ever told you I was going to contact you. Anyway I have continued to read your blog. It is one of the most inspiring, funny, entertaining things I have ever read. Without fail I will either cry or laugh while reading one of your posts. You and your family have got to be one of the cutest families around. After reading this last post I felt I must leave a comment it was just too funny not to. You write so well that even without the picture I could see you and the kids “scooting” around Wal-Mart. Best of luck with this pregnancy, and thanks for sharing your stories hope its ok that I continue to follow your blog.
    Chelsee if you need to tell me to stop stocking you :)

  2. I rented one of those at Disney World a couple years back for my sister and I. she was pregnant--and had swelled up like crazy--and I had swelled up too (it was REALLY weird--never experienced that before--something about the humidity in Florida?) Anyway--both of us have horrible feet too--so after 3 days of torture walking constantly--the days with those "jazzies" were AWESOME!!! Disney World has a rule that kids can't ride with you--so we would put the kids on until we saw a Disney "patrol officer"--tell them to jump off--then jump them back on. But it was awesome!! And yes, we stuck our tongues out constantly at all the rude people giving us disgusted looks--especially cause in Disney we got to ride straight to the front of quite a few lines (we were allowed to do so anyway, cause my nephew was on oxygen for his lung disease and we had the Disney tag that made his stroller count as wheelchair--usually people would quit with the rude looks once they saw his tubing...but's like "people don't have to look like they have a disability or need a jazzy in order to need one" was the look we usually gave back) Anyway--it was a BLAST!!! Maybe you can rent one for the rest of your pregnancy--he he he! Hope you keep having fun!!!

    Mary P.

  3. as your post **hugs**
    amber c

  4. So jealous..but I totally love this! The jazzy pic is classic. O what iid give to be able to convince my husband and dr to let me go "out on the town". Target and walmart seem close to disneyland to me these days!! Feels weird not to have set foot in a store for so long..maybe they'll go for the jazzy idea!
