Friday, June 10, 2011

dearest baby,

it was only 5 days ago that your daddy and i found out about you.
to say that we were excited would be an understatement.
we have struggled for 4.5 years to get you here.
in that time we have lost two pregnancies, seen numerous doctors and specialists, undergone tests and procedures, taken a hundred pregnancy tests, uttered countless prayers, spent hours in the temple,
and still...
we haven't given up hope that in His own due time, the Lord would see fit to bless us with another child.
we feel so extremely blessed, but at the same time {given our poor pregnancy track record}
we can't help but feel nervous.
because of this, we had decided that if mom were ever to get pregnant again, we would have to keep it a secret for months {or at least until we knew that the pregnancy would be good and viable},
but a funny thing happened, sweet baby.
your daddy and i have been planning on going on the pioneer trek with the youth in our stake, and were actually supposed to be leaving this week.
when we found out about you, we were thinking about not saying anything to anyone, and maybe just trying to go anyway.
but as were were lying in bed that night, we decided that we needed to be obedient.
we knew that there was a rule against pregnant women going on trek, and we knew if we were to disregard the rules, that the Lord would be disappointed in us for our lack of obedience.
plus, it was such a painstaking process, getting you here. we had wanted you so badly, and prayed for you so earnestly, and done everything in our power to get you here...we just weren't willing to take the chance that something might happen to you because we had decided to go.
so late that night, daddy had to send out an email to several people in the ward and stake, making them aware of our situation, and letting them know that we wouldn't be able to participate as a ma and pa couple for trek {which would be taking place in only 3 days!}.
we felt terrible putting everybody in that kind of a bind, but we felt so much peace as the Spirit confirmed to us that we had made the right decision.
and so there it was, our secret was out.

dear sweet baby, we dream about you all the time.
we talk about you, and wonder about you, and anticipate {more than anything else} your arrival.
we are so excited for you to join our family. in fact, when i first told your brother and sister about you, they both screamed at the top of their lungs...and then, of course, i joined in too.
we pray for you, and hope with all of our hearts that this is really it, that the time for you to join us is now.
if everything goes according to plan, you should make your great debut mid-february of next year.
i can't think of a better valentine's gift, my love.
i just know my heart will be bursting at the seams.

all the love in the whole wide world,


  1. Such an exciting time, Nicole! I truly hope everything goes perfectly and that you feel wonderful!

  2. holy smokes, I am bawling. Im emotional right now anyway but this is such WONDERFUL news! I am soooo happy for you Nicole. Please please please keep me updated. I wish I was there to hug you.

  3. Congrats! I'm so excited for you!!!

  4. Can't imagine the range of emotions this brings. I'm am so happy for you. You will continue to be in every prayer. Love you.

  5. Oh, Nicole...I'm so happy for you and your family! Congratulations and we all have you in our thoughts and prayers!


  7. that is so fantastic! congratulations!

  8. yaaaaaay. And the middle of February is wonderful. Amelia was due on Valentines...she was 2 weeks late but i still call her my heart baby. I hope you have a sweet little heart baby too!

  9. How exciting! You and your sweet family and baby will be in my prayers. I liked reading of your choice to be obedient. I just taught a RS lesson on obedience today, and I have such a testimony in the way the Lord blesses us for obedience. I hope, along with you, that this time will be "it"! Congratulations, Nicole! Take good care of yourself and your precious little baby! =)

  10. nicole i am beyond ecstatic for you and your darling family!! you will be in my prayers. please keep us all updated on everything. hope you are feeling good and that this sweet little baby is perfect and healthy. sure love ya!

  11. Nicole. I can't even begin to express my joy and excitement for you. This baby is beyond blessed to be coming to your family. Take care of yourself, and I can't wait to be updated on your progress!

  12. I am so excited for you and your family! My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  13. Nicole and John, I'm so excited for both of you. My prayers will be with you, and I fully expect to meet your new baby next year, the next time you are in Utah.
    We'll compare your baby to pictures of our new grandson who is due in October. He is another miraculous surprise to his parents, who gave up on having another baby, after losing four of them in three years, much like you lost yours.
    I believe this is the year for miracles; for our family and for yours. Love and hugs, Jeri

  14. Oh, we are so so excited for you!!! And know you and the baby will be in our prayers constantly.
    We miss you guys!...and i can't get over how happy we are for you!!!

  15. Praying for you all! Hope everything is okay--waiting to hear :)

    Mary P.
