Sunday, June 5, 2011


may 19, 2001

last night while were were waiting for ruby and ava's dance class to finish, we decided to step outside the studio, and let the younger kids play.
we had only been out there a minute or two, when asher tried to pick up his friend emaline {who is taller than he is}, and ended up falling over backwards {little ems still on top of him}, and hitting his head pretty good on the pavement.
i quickly ran over to him, picked him up, and did my best to console him...
but he was completely hysterical.
a few seconds later, his whole body started to convulse, and then he went limp in my arms.
i fell to my knees in the grass, and put him down so that i could see what was happening.
just as i was lowering him onto the lawn, i watched his eyes roll into the back of his head, and then for a split second, he was out.
i screamed to my friend diana, but by the time she ran over, he had come to.
we both inspected the back of his head, but found nothing, and other than the fact that he was still crying pretty hard, everything seemed to be normal.

even though he seemed to be doing fine, john and i decided it would be best to have him sleep in our bed, just so that we could monitor him throughout the night.
of course, ruby wasn't about to be left in their bedroom all alone,
so the party of three in mom and dad's bed, quickly became a party of four.
asher slept next to me - and for a wiggly, squirmy, can't-hold-still-for-more-than-10-seconds-at-a-time, two year old -he did surprising well.
in fact, he stayed in the exact same position the entire night - didn't even shift a mere half of an inch.
quite the contrast from his almost 5 year old sister -who flips and flops, and tosses and turns, and kicks and punches, and squirms and rolls - all night long when she sleeps in our bed.

i woke up early this morning to go for a run, and couldn't help but notice the beauty of the sunlight as it peered through the large bay window and rested upon the faces of my beautiful sleeping family.
how did i ever get so lucky?
actually i prefer to use the term blessed.

because today, i feel very, very blessed.


  1. and I am very blessed to have you as a friend

  2. ooh. scary. and weird. i wonder what happened...

    and atta girl for going running. i'm not doing a lick of exercising right now.

  3. Hi Nicole - Would it be OK if I posted a copy of this picture on my blog: with a link back to your blog? Thanks for considering it!


  4. Any chance you might be willing to give me permission to use the image from this post in print? I'm publishing a book similar to my blog ( and it would be a perfect fit. Let me know if you'd be willing to consider letting me include it. You would be credited as the photographer and I'd be glad to send you a free copy next May when it comes out as a very small token of my appreciation. Thanks in advance for considering it.


  5. Ashley - Thanks! Will you send me your email so I can send you an official permission form to fill out?

    Thank you so much!!!!


  6. My email address is

  7. Can you email me at or respond to this comment with your email address so I can send you an image permission form for this picture? Thanks a ton!

