Friday, December 17, 2010


It's been a month since I last blogged.
Now that, I cannot believe.
Where is the time going? And why do I feel like I never have enough of it?
I have a lot to try and catch up on...but I simply could not wait to tell about our magical experience of two nights ago.
The morning started off like any other, with the search for our elf, Clarence.
Every night he flies home to Santa, and reports to the boss (Santa) his observations of each day - whether the children have been naughty or nice.
Magically each morning, and before the children awake, he is back, and in a new hiding place. This particular morning, however, something was different.
He was indeed hiding in a new spot, but he also held in his arms, a letter.
A personal letter to the children.
From Santa.
Santa Claus had invited them to the North Pole, and also enclosed in the envelop, were 4 round trip tickets to hop aboard the Polar Express.
Somehow Clarence had managed to sneak the packages (that St. Nick had sent) under the tree without waking the kids.
That Santa, wow, he's just too kind.
Each kid was given a pair of festive holiday pajamas, a soft fleece robe, cozy Christmas socks, and a pair of slippers.
Excited doesn't even describe the way the children felt.
Especially Ruby.
Asher might be a little young to really understand all this Christmas excitement, but he was feeding off of Ruby's energy, and before too long, he too was bouncing off the walls.
We left late in the afternoon and drove for three hours.
It was fun to see the temperature gradually drop as we got closer and closer Flagstaff, which was about 30 miles from the train depot.
It's been in the low to mid 80's here in mesa - unseasonably warm for this time of year- so the 40 degree weather was nice (but only for a few hours), and authenticated the whole North Pole experience.
No laughing, it felt really cold to us.
After handing the conductor our tickets, and getting settled in our seats, we were off...zipping and whirling - faster than the speed of light - to the North Pole.

On our trip, we were served cookies and hot cocoa, sang Christmas carols, listened to the Polar express story...
and the best part of all, was when Santa visited with each child and gave them all a special believe bell.
My kids were beside themselves.
It brought me so much joy to see the both of them so happy.
That's what Christmas is all about, isn't it?
It's about joy, and peace.
It's about laughter and smiles, and gifts from the heart.
It's about families.
It's about being together.
It's about love.
It's about believing...and I'm not just talking about Santa here.
It's about believing in the One who gave us the greatest gift of all.
The Savior, who gave us His life.
That very act enabled us to receive every gift our Father in Heaven has in store for his children...
even peace, joy, happiness, laughter, family togetherness, love, and ultimately - eternal life.

I hope you can feel the love this holiday season.
His love.
I know you will,
if you truly believe.


  1. After we visited Santa at the mall, Isabel was DEVASTATED she couldn't go home with him to the North Pole. What a fun, amazing memory for you and your sweet kids. :-)

  2. That video was the sweetest thing to watch. It brought tears to my eyes and I immediately thought of what great parents John and you are. Ruby and Asher are very lucky. What a special memory this was for all of you!

  3. I wish I could be a kid in your family!! So much fun! Thanks for sharing :)

  4. what a special thing for your kids! it will be something they will always remember!!!

  5. Every year we take our girls to ride the Polar Express here in Oregon. Yours looks awesome!!
