Monday, August 23, 2010

too big for a nap?

Ruby is constantly reminding me that she is just too big for a nap, even though I know better than that. It's probably because she is such a night owl - I'm not really sure - but she really does need a nap everyday. The problem is, I cannot get her to cooperate when I tell her it's time to take a rest...she literally throws a fit. I don't ever press the issue, because I know I will find her at some point (sometimes in a matter of just minutes) some weird position or location...sound asleep. Too big for a nap, huh?

*this is how i found her today, all ready for dance (about 3 hours early), with even her dance bag secured to her little arm...
*and this is how I found her a couple of days ago...


  1. I love that little Ruby!

  2. Oh, she is so sweet! That dance one is priceless!

  3. Such cute pics! I miss that crazy girl!

  4. haha, love the dance pic one with her bag on her arm and her tap shoes on and ready to go! oh ruby!
