Thursday, March 18, 2010

glass flowers

Ruby: Here mom, I have some lovely flowers for you.

Me: Thank you Ruby, but I thought I asked you not to pick any more of our flowers.

Ruby: I didn't pick our flowers, mom! I got them from the the market. Yeah, I just walked to the market, and saw these most beautiful shiny flowers, and I asked the man if I could get them, and he said yes, and then he told me that they were made of glass, kind of like Cinderella's slippers. So I brought them home from the market just for you, mom.

Me: Wow, that's quite the story. You wouldn't lie to me now would you?

Ruby: No! I Promise.

What the girl lacks in integrity, she makes up for in imagination.


  1. hahaha, that girl has an imagination indeed! hilarious!

  2. I don't know...sounds legit to me.

    (And why are you letting her go out shopping on her own? Really! Such appalling parenting!) ;D

  3. Lol! Love Lacking Productivity's comment! What ARE you doing letting little Ruby go shopping on her own? Truly lovely.

  4. What a sweet little gal. I think that stage is going to be hilarious!! I can't wait for the big elaborate stories. It will be hard to teach them lying is wrong when you can barely hold in the laughter!

  5. OOPS that last comment was really from me... Kim

  6. I wonder where she got that from?... lil writer on your hands... you should get her publish. I will Illustrate it.. lol...
