Wednesday, January 20, 2010

this here blog...

I finished this post over a week ago, but for some reason, never got around to publishing it. In fact, there are countless pictures and events, thoughts and feelings, mishaps and blessings, musings and ramblings...all of which I have had every intention of posting - but haven't. I don't really know why. I'm not sure if was the hustle and bustle of the holidays that made it seem nearly impossible to blog? I know there were times I just didn't feel like getting on the computer. There were also times I would sit down, only to find that my creative juices had failed me. And then the more time that passed, the less and less motivated I became to trying to play catch up. I don't know, maybe I just needed a break from it all for a while. Regardless of the reason, I have missed my good old blog. I have missed being able to have a place where I can just be me. A place where I can share whatever. A place where I can vent. A place to opine and muse. Even a place to praise and express gratitude. It's my own place where I can brag about my kids if I want to, or my nearly perfect, angel husband. I enjoy being able to put it all out there for anyone to read...but really and truly, when it comes down to it, this is all just for me and my family. My blog is my journal. When these post are long forgotten by my readers - I can just imagine Ruby and Asher - in their teens, or with their children - going back through the archives, or flipping through the volumes of blog books chronicled by year. I can imagine them reading about the day they cut their first little tooth, or their very first birthday, their interactions with each other, funny things that they said, and heartwarming things that they did. I would give anything for my own mother's "blog" - just something, anything - that might take me back to my perfect childhood. I think that's what disturbs me the most about my recent respite from's knowing that in a few months time, possibly a year or two, maybe more - the events and happenings of the past couple of months, will most likely evanesce from my memory...maybe even fade completely. That's why right here and now, I'm recommitting myself to my journal. I'll do my best to recap some of the highlights from the past month or two, as well as resolve to never again allow such a significant lapse between entries. And really, not that any of you care all that much whether or not I blog, or for that matter, the frequency of my posts...but I care because it's my life, and it's about my family...and because, possibly - in our not so distant future - this here blog, will be a very important link to our past.

*Well after all of that, I think I'll save my original post - which now has nothing at all to do with this post - for another day and time. It just doesn't quite fit anymore.


  1. Welcome back! I've missed you! (:

  2. I love reading your blog....but respites are needed too. Glad you're back :)

    Mary P.

  3. At first I was scared you were going to say that you didn't feel you had time to blog any more. So glad that isn't the case. I love reading your posts.

  4. i was thinking about you the other day and realizing i hadn't read one of your great posts in too long. glad you are back!
