Wednesday, October 28, 2009

fall is in the air...

I think it's pretty safe to say that, Christmas aside, Halloween is my favorite. I love the decorations, and the goodies, and the colors, and the smells. I love to carve pumpkins and eat roasted seeds. I love hot apple cider, and autumn leaves,and the cool crisp halloween air (so maybe today's high of 60 is a bit too cool and crisp for me). The other night as we were out on our family walk, Ruby announced that she was "tired of Halloween and ready for Christmas". I couldn't believe my ears. Oh miss Ruby, you just wait, our Halloween fun...has only just begun...muahahahahahaha.


  1. That's so funny she said she was done with it! It always surprises me when little kids come up with opinions you just wouldn't really think they'd have! I love all the Halloween stuff too but for some reason have never liked carving pumpkins. I may have to learn to like it though, because after the other night's FHE with cousins carving pumpkins, G realized I didn't have my own pumpkin and she was super bummed. I may just have to take one for the team from here on out!

  2. haha so cute! My daughter actually said the same thing yesterday. Don't they know that Halloween is more than one day???? ( :

  3. i can't WAIT to see your families costumes this year. brooke said you have been working on them for months.

    halloween is a blast. especially when you have kids. i love it even more now with emmi. i love when she points out each of our halloween decorations each day and fake screams at them. awesome emmi. awesome.
