Tuesday, August 25, 2009

my inspiration...

John has served as the Elder's Quorum president in our ward for going on 2.5 years now. Throughout this period of time, I have witnessed him, first hand, give his whole heart and soul to this calling. He spends hours each week holding presidency meetings, visiting the Elders and their families, conducting PPI's, and attending other ward and stake meetings. He is passionate about what he does, and always gives more than is required or even expected. He loves the Elders in his quorum. He takes an avid interest in their undertakings and pursuits. He does his best to strengthen them in their weak moments. He prays for them...even pleads for their happiness and well-being. He does all of this, free of ulterior motives...solely and completely out of love. I have never met anyone as genuine and guileless as John. (He's going to kill me for this post. Good thing he hardly ever looks at the blog..haha).
Another goal he consistently strives to achieve, is for the quorum to be unified. It's his deepest desire for each individual to feel important. To feel loved. To be fellowshipped and friendshipped. In fact, he is constantly working his brain to come up with new and fun activities...activities that might serve in bringing unity and brotherhood to the Elders and their families. Everything from pot luck socials (we do lots of these), to video game parties, and dessert nights. We did horseback riding once, coupled with hot dogs and s'mores. A couple months back, we had a concert night where a few elders (possessing musical capability) were invited to take the stage and showcase their talents. He and his presidency try to plan some sort of activity or social almost every month...and they don't let their budget of $50 per year (yeah, I said 50 bucks), deter them from meeting this objective.
Most recently, we all went to a Diamondbacks game. Sixteen families (52 people) met up at the lightrail station which dropped off pretty close to the stadium. We all purchased inexpensive tickets (nosebleeds) in the same section, and enjoyed a fun summer evening baseball game together.

I'm grateful to my John for everything he teaches me. I watch him in his callings, I watch him in his profession, I see him as a father and husband; and I'm proud to say that I am rarely (if ever) disappointed with the choices he makes, or in the way he conducts his life. Through his example alone, I am inspired to do more in my church calling. I am inspired to be a better mother and a better wife. He makes me want to do more with my life, work harder at my endeavours, and find something good in everything...

My only hope is that someday, he'll be able to say the same about me.

Here are a few pics from our most recent activity to the Diamondbacks game...

Ruby asleep on the lightrail...on the way TO the game.


  1. great post!

    i, too can attest to his determination and devotion as an elder's quorum president, and i'm not even in elder's quorum!

    he's doing a great job and it is noticed by others.

  2. You should really be tooting your own horn for supporting him in the way that you do. I hated it when Paul was in our Elder's Quorum Presidency. Hopefully some day I will be half as faithful as you and John are.

  3. felicidades amig apor tu familia y la dedicacion de tu esposo se sin ninguna dudas que el hace lo que hace por el hecho de que su familia lo apolla y le da las fuerzas para estar activo y sin vos como esposo no creo que el podria cumplir contanta fidelid su llamamiento por algo sos su esposa se que lo que el hace mucho es el esfuerzo tuyo amiga
    felicidades te quiero

  4. Nicole -- John could not be the Elders Quorum President he is without the unwavering support from you. You both have huge callings and fulfill them so well. Your love and commitment to those you serve as well as to the Lord does shows in everything you do! I am so glad to know you guys and even happier that I get to serve with you!

  5. What a great post Nicole. You BOTH are equally as amazing. And Nicole, I have no doubt John would definitely be able to say the exact same things about you.

    We love you both and are so happy to serve with you guys too! :)
