Tuesday, August 4, 2009

his very first...


A month or two ago, we decided to hop aboard a Phoenix Valley Metro and take Asher to his first Pro-Baseball game. Our very own Arizona Diamondbacks beat the San Diego Padres 6-5. Of course, we didn't stay to see the final score...that would have been way past little mister's bed time.

Waiting to catch the light rail...

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It's pretty obvious from the pictures of Ruby at the metro station, that she was pretty leery of going to the game. I think the last time we went, she was too young to remember how much fun she had. However, after eating her very own hot dog, having a few sips of mom's Diet Coke, indulging in her fair share of cheesy nachos, and a few rounds of Take Me Out to the Ball Game, I think it's safe to conclude that she had finally caught the baseball fever...
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  1. Your kids are so stinkin' cute! I can't believe how big they are getting! It looks like you had so much fun at the game. We took Lily to an Orioles vs. Nats game about a month ago and she HATED it! I think it was too loud for her. She was only 3 months though. Anyway, glad you all had so much fun!

  2. How Fun!!!! We have been so busy youth conferencing, camping, efying, sports camping, vacationing.... that we haven't even gotten to go to s game this year.... So fun! I love that first picture of Asher!

  3. i love the third from the bottom picture of ruby and her closed mouth smile.

    i love family outings like this.

  4. fun, the pics are so cute. we all need to go to a yanks game together (which aaron in watching right now, boring...on tv.)

  5. I have the best memories of going to the Angels games with my dad and Grandpa growing up. So fun to make memories as a family! Your kids are so adorable! And seriously what is it with baseball games that make hot dogs so delicious!! It's still the only place that I like them!

  6. It looks like the night was a home run!

  7. How fun! I can't get over how handsome that Asher is! And I love your sassy one! I've got one too.

    I just wanted you to know that I was really inspired by your blog a few posts back about living every day like it's your last. Macy has turned one, and I feel like I wasn't even there. It really makes me tear up to think that. So I've taken your post to heart and want to thank you for that. The girls and I have really started creating wonderful and fun memories and stronger relationships with each other. And it even though I hardly ever see my hubby, I now try to show him more love and appreciation each time I am with him. And as far as I'm concerned, you deserve credit for helping me increase the love around here.

    You are a very inspiring person and I thank you for that.

    Oh, and I love you. :)

  8. How fun. You guys are such a cute little family.

    It was fun to go with you guys to the D-backs game last weekend!
