Wednesday, July 1, 2009

for eternity...


We traveled to Utah a couple of weeks ago for the sole purpose of having Asher sealed to our family. This is something that we have anticipated and waited for since the moment he was placed in our arms. The experience was beautiful and emotional...everything (and more really) I hoped it would be. In fact, I never wanted the day to end. It was so wonderful to have our family and close friends there to share in the experience with us. Several people made some huge sacrifices to be there. Our friends, the Tuckett's, and John's dad and step mom, traveled from Arizona. And my brother, my sweet, sweet brother, drove all the way from Boston, for 2.5 days just to be there. In fact, he didn't even have time to stop home and take a quick shower. Instead, he quickly ran into the Burger King, just a block or two from the Salt Lake Temple, to rinse his face and change into his suit; and then somehow, by no small miracle, made it just in time to witness the sealing. We had all been on pins and needles as to whether he would make it in time or not. Just a week prior he had sent me a text, and in reference to the sealing he wrote wouldn't miss it for the world...and he didn't, and I was so touched. When he walked in the sealing room, looking tired and worn, my eyes filled with tears. It was one of the most amazing sacrifices I've almost ever witnessed. John and I both feel so blessed to have such supportive families. Where would we ever be without them? And, something that scares me even more to think about, who would we be without them? We owe so much of who we are and what we do, to our parents...for the love they demonstrate, for the sacrifices they make in our behalf; and, of course, for teaching us about the Savior, for emulating His light, for being such faithful and valiant examples. It was indeed a blessing for us to be surrounded by our family during one of the most important moments of our lives.

A year ago, one of our dear friends from our ward here in Arizona - Elder Hamula, was called as a General Authority in the First Quorum of the Seventy. He and his sweet family packed up last summer and moved to Utah to begin the work that the Lord had in store for them. Because he was in Utah, we were privileged to have him as our temple sealer, which made the experience even personal, and so sincere. Some of the words he spoke touched me so deeply. They were profound, yet at the same time, simple...and will always remain etched in my heart. He reiterated over and over that nothing, nothing, in this life, would ever be as meaningful or significant as what we were about to do as a family. That nothing is as important as what happens across the alters of the Lord's temples. I believe what he said. His words penetrated deep in my soul, they pierced my heart, and the Spirit confirmed their truthfulness to me through the feelings of peace and love - which diffused my entire being. After the ceremony, we picked up our two angel children, who were both dressed in white, and stood as a family, to face the mirror in the the Celestial room. Because there was also a large mirror behind us, we were able to see the reflection of our family...a reflection which went on, and on, and on...having no end. Ever so symbolic of what had just taken place.

I know our family is forever. I know that the bonds of love which we share are infinite and eternal. The bands which tie us together (contingent upon our worthiness) are immovable and unbreakable. Nothing can tear us part if we do all in our power to stay together. Not even death itself can separate us now. I am one hundred percent committed to keeping this family together, to staying faithful in the Gospel of Christ, to being a true disciple of Him. If I do this, and help my family do the same, He has promised me - not just immortality, but Eternal Life...with the ones I love more than anything on earth.



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*a special thanks to john's cousin, jane for taking our pictures after the sealing. it was so nice for me to just be able to enjoy our day, and not to have to worry about lugging around the camera. so thank you, jane.


  1. I loved hearing all about your special day tonight at mutual. I still think that your brother driving all the way from Boston was about the sweetest thing I've ever heard. I love how tight knit you are to your family.

    Beautiful pictures and an even more beautiful little family you all are. Wow.

  2. everything about this post made me happy. what a beautiful family you have. the pictures are fabulous... they truly capture your family's joy on this day. i just don't know what else to say... YAY!!

  3. Congrats you guys! You can tell what a sweet experience it was through the pictures. I am so happy for you cute family. You deserve it.

  4. What gorgeous pictures! I am so happy for you and your family Nicole! Asher is a lucky little boy to be able to be sealed to such a wonderful family.

  5. What a beautiful day! These pictures are so beautiful! How wonderful for your family, you can just see the happiness on all your faces! What a sweet feeling it must be to know that you will be together forever.

  6. It truly was an amazing day and the pictures turned out great. You guys are all so photogenic.

  7. Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us. Reading your last few posts made me cry happy and sad tears. I am so happy for the sealing of your Asher to you.

  8. amiga me alegra tanto por ti la oportunidad que tubiste de entrar en la CASA DEL SEÑOR y poder recibir las promesa de una familia eterna y una vida exaltada
    que mas grande bendicion que una persona puede tener
    te quiero amiga gracias por compartir esta felicidad

  9. That's so amazing, congratulations! I can't believe how big Mr. Asher is now! Those cheeks are like 4 times the size they were in December when we saw you last. What a muffin! And now those cheeks are yours forever!

  10. Oh Nicole, my heart is so full of joy for you! And what a great story about your brother. Little Asher fits perfectly into your family. You guys are gorgeous!

  11. Those pictures are so cute. There are some where Asher looks like a little redhead. I love it.

  12. this post leaves me more than happy for you and your family. even with a grumpy ruby, you can still sense the beautiful happiness exuding from you all. what a beautiful sealing it must've been, i am sad that i wasn't able to be there and share in such a special day, but i was with you in spirit. thank you for sharing it. i love you all!

  13. What a wonderful day! So sad we had to miss it! I love the last picture....Asher looks adorable in it!
