Sunday, May 3, 2009

little miss temple for a day...


Ruby was not the least bit happy about the dress I picked out for her to wear to church today. She wriggled and squirmed, tossed and writhed, as I tried - but failed - to get it over her head. It wasn't until she finally weakened her aggression, that I became victorious in my objective. Consequently, for the next hour, she lay on the ground (in her sailor dress) screaming and crying.... even shouting things like "I don't like this big dress, I only like tiny dresses", and "this isn't a princess dress, I only want to wear a princess dress". Then, I had the most ingenious idea...I told her that she reminded me of Shirley Temple. Of course, she had no idea who that even was...but something about the name peaked her interest, and she stopped crying. I then had her come and sit on my lap, while together we watched video after video (on you tube) of Shirley Temple. I made sure to point out all of Shirley's different sailor dresses, and that was all it took for her to make a complete switch. Suddenly her once big, ugly, boring dress - became her dress of preference. She even asked me if I would curl her hair like Shirley's (which really surprised me, because she hates getting her hair curled). It was hilarious to watch her morph into this iconic child actress, as she sang and danced her way across our family room floor. John got home from his meetings, and the first thing she said was, "Oh hello there daddy, my name is Shirley Temple!" She told everyone at church that her new name was Shirley Temple, and even after she woke up from her nap, she asked if she could put her "Shirley Temple dress" back on to go to our family dinner. She proudly announced her new identity to everyone, multiple times throughout the evening, and sometimes wouldn't even respond to "Ruby"...but would to "Shirley". We even borrowed The Little Princess (a movie starring Shirley Temple) from aunt Lori, and watched it with Ruby before going bed. She was in absolute heaven. And so, I guess my wonderful idea (to change her attitude about the sailor dress) worked - maybe a little too well. I mean, how was I to know that she'd actually become little miss Temple herself for the day?



  1. I love that she was Shirley Temple for the day. A way cuter Shirley Temple than Shirley herself though...

    Love that Ruby.

  2. She is so cute. I really don't like it when my kids have an opinion on what they wear but I'm not nearly as creative as you in getting them to change their attitude.

  3. That is so funny. Little Ruby (I mean Shirley) is just a hoot. And props to you, Nicole...that was such a creative way to get her to cooperate!

  4. Wow - you're a very persuasive momma there, Nicole. ;) I love the sailor dress (kind of reminds me of MY childhood...), love her curls, and LOVE that she thinks she is Shirley Temple!

  5. i too have a thing for sailor dresses. i think it's because i wore them when i was little. they can be dressy or casual. lots of buttons = good. blue & white = good. what's not to like?

  6. What a cute story! You're such a fun mom!!!

  7. Nic, you are a creative and ingenious mother! And, I am writing this on Mothers Day. I want you to know how very proud of you I am! You are a wonderful wife and mother. I have marveled at your tender care of Asher as he struggled with his acid reflux, and have always joyed in watching you so sweetly care for Ruby (Shirley). You and John are wonderul parents! You may not remember, but your own mom LOVED Shirley Temple, and I happen to know that she also had a childhood infatuation for her. It just goes to show you that there are Christlike ways of influencing children, without robbing them of their agency. Well done! I know your own mother is very aware of you and of what's going on in your life, and I know she is as proud of you as I am.

    I love you sweet daughter!
