Tuesday, April 21, 2009

all aboard...

For play group last week, we all headed out to the train park in Scottsdale. It's one of Ruby's very favorite places to go. In fact, I had told her the day before that we would be going again...this time with all her friends from play group. She couldn't stop talking about it from that moment on. So for literally 24 hours, I heard everything there is to tell about the train park, and the carousel (which she calls the carriage), and how we were going to eat lunch, and get a new train whistle. Next time, I'll probably just tell her about our plans mere moments before we actually head out...that way, I'll only be privileged to hear all about it during the 30 minute car ride.

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We had a great time, and spent several hours there, with all of our friends. I think that every single one of Ruby's expectations were met, as well as my own. We were even blessed with near perfect weather. 54 degrees is typical for a mid-winter's day here, not middle of spring, but the sun was shining, and it was beautiful. It blows my mind that now, just 5 days later, it's 103 degrees out...and probably way too hot for the train park. I'm glad we got in in when we did; because, if summer is here to stay, we probably won't be back till fall or winter.

Blistering hot Arizona summer...here we come!


  1. Oh my word--my nephew would be SOOO jealous!!! He LOVES trains (I mean LOVES)!

    Glad ya'll had fun!!!!

    Mary P.

  2. That looks so fun!! I love your Easter pictures. Your little family is so cute!

  3. So cool. We need to go there next time we are in AZ. Charlie would adore that place.

  4. what a fun and perfect day, huh? ava couldn't wait to get home and tell daddy all about it!

    i just uploaded our pics from that day so i just might be posting about our excursion here pretty soon too!

  5. haha.. i love that picture of ava and ruby with their train whistles (i'm assuming that's what the are??), they look SO STOKED!

  6. those train whistles were the favorite of the day and annoyed me the whole way home! Cute pics...it was a perfect day wasn't it!
