Wednesday, February 25, 2009

these pictures tell a story

And the story goes like this...

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Asher is becoming really good at holding his bottle on his own...but his dexterity and grace are still a bit off...and sometimes that can be really frustrating to the poor little guy - who wants nothing more than to


Anonymous said...

Those are so cute! I can't believe it's been 6 months...time flies, eh. Hard to believe our little Preslie is just short of 6 months! Well the photo below with all the wires, is pretty norm for us. So if you have any questions or anything about heart 'issues', just let me know. We see the Pediatric Cardiologist every couple of months, so please let me know if you need anything! Happy VAlentines Day to both you and John and your sweet sweet kiddos!

Amy Eagleston said...

So cute! He must be proud of himself. He is becoming a little bit independent :)

diana said...

that happened while i was watching him over here, but i didn't notice, until i heard him making some grunting noises, trying to maneuver his bottle back to his mouth.... poor little guy. it was kinda funny.

Amber and Dallas said...

OH...good job little buddy. He is soooo sweet! Love love cute little Asher! I remember when BB was learning to hold his bottle... it goes by WAY TOO FAST! =) And little Asher is already over 6 mo. Soooo crazy! =)