Thursday, February 5, 2009

poor little guy...

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Little Mr. Dix had a pretty rough day yesterday. It all started when he woke up in the morning and didn't get his usual serving of kibble for breakfast. I'm sure he thought he was being neglected, when in all reality, we were simply following doctor's orders. You see, Mr. Dix went under the knife yesterday...yep, he got the good ol' snip snip. John and I felt really bad for him because we knew he simply had no idea what would be happening to him. Not only was he stripped of his manly parts, but while he was under, he also received a parvo shot , and had three teeth pulled! He apparently had some pretty stubborn baby teeth with abnormally long roots, which happened to be pushing and crowding his other teeth...suffice it to say, those bad boys weren't coming out on their own! Something kind of humorous, when I picked little Dix-d up at the end of the day, the doc gave me a miniature sized manila envelope..."these are Dix's teeth" he informed me, "in case you want to put them under his pillow tonight". It was all I could do to keep from losing it. The funny thing about it, (my friend, Natalie, and I were talking about this today), is that some people probably really do that. Yeah, I love little Dix and all...but I'm not about to become his personal tooth fairy.
He seemed to be really alert when I picked him up, so we decided to let him get some fresh air and take him to his favorite place. He LOVES the park. It's there that he can roam, and run, and make new friends...and it's always good for the rest of us too. So we picked up Dix-d, grabbed some dinner, and spent the next hour or two breathing in the fresh air, running, laughing, swinging, sliding, taking pics, and just enjoying those moments together.

We sure do love our little Mr. Dix...even if his crying did keep me up half the night.


  1. Those pics are so cute. Has Ruby grown like three inches since Christmas? She looks so tall and grown up in her little outfit.

  2. Wow, tooth fairy hu? That is so funny. I am waiting to hear about your shopping trip today! Darn this sick stuff, I was really looking forward to this morning!

  3. Poor Dix-D. Ruby really is looking so old to me too. I love these pics of her and Dix-D!
