Friday, January 9, 2009

santa was full of surprises this year...

John and I made a deal this year with the jolly fellow that he would only bring us a few small things...maybe just enough to fit into our stockings, and that's it. Well, Santa kept his word when it came to John's gifts. Sure enough, a few small things was all he got...a DVD, a book, a few gift cards, some gum, a small bottle of cologne. That was the agreement. I should have known, or at least figured, however, that Santa had something extra up his sleeve for me. For some reason, that darn St. Nick just seems to spoil me year after year, despite the fact that I always feel so undeserving. So after pulling out all the little treasures from my stocking...which I totally loved, John pointed out that there was a small package left under the tree, with my name on it. Attached to the outside of the wrapped gift, was an envelope, and a letter inside which read...

Dear Nicole,
I've watched you this whole year, and have noticed that you have been a great little girl. You have been so loving and full of patience. Because you are such a wonderful person, I had my elves put together a special gift...just for you. This is because there is not a person more deserving. I love you tons!
Love, Santa

I carefully unwrapped my special gift, and was completely blown away by the little beauty that was found inside. You see, for quite sometime now, I have had my eyes on this little point and shoot camera. Don't get me wrong, I love my DSLR, and wouldn't trade it in for anything (well except for an upgraded DSLR); but I have wanted a smaller camera to have handy for all our fun little outings. Lugging around that huge camera everywhere we go, had been less than ideal. So after doing some research, I determined that this is what I would someday love to own...someday when the funds weren't so tight, someday when we weren't swimming in our medical know, I'm sure everyone dreams about their own "someday" item. Little did I know that my someday would be this Christmas! Isn't Santa a dream come true? He even brought my step-sister her very own Wii, which her husband had no clue about, but couldn't protest (especially in front of their children) because hey, Santa brought it! All he could do was sit back, and smile, and say"Wow...that Santa!"
So anyway, this little camera takes the most amazing pictures. I'm still trying to figure out everything it can do...because it does so much! The lens alone is almost too unbelievable for a point and shoot! It's an ultra-wide-angle Leica lens 24-60 f2.0 - 2.8. Yep, a 2.0...which means it opens even wider than my f2.8 lens for my SLR! This camera's got full HD Video, manual settings, Iso 3200, shoots raw and jpeg...seriously, I could go on...and...on! It's AMAZING!! As soon as I figure out what I'm doing, and how this thing works,I'll post some better pics...but here are a few I took shortly after I got it.



And just to give you an idea as to the kind of depth this little gem is capable of...
Photobucket Photobucket
Yeah, those ugly green stumps are my knees :)


  1. Its funny you shared this because Santa stuck to our "deal" too.. for Roger at least. I ,on the other hand, was EXTREMELY surprised. I should have known!!

    I LOVE Santa!

  2. I cant get over that first pic! I cant believe it can do all that!! I love it!!! and im dying over your shoes too!!

  3. Same thing happened at my house...Paul got homemade "coupon's" and I got a surprise macbook! I am anxious to learn more about your camera...When I clicked on the link it took me to a general page with a ton of camera's and I am not sure which one yours is. Can you post the link to the guys' blog you were telling me about?

  4. Wow! That Santa is a great guy! LOVE the pics of Ruby and her new kitchen. What a doll!

  5. what a great point and shoot! they're always so nice to have, to carry with you and capture those impromptu moments.

  6. That looks like such an awesome point and shoot! How is shooting in manual mode going for ya?
