Tuesday, December 2, 2008

the magical red coat...

Before our trip, I posted about the peculiar breakthrough in Asher's medical condition. A breakthrough that came about by way of a little red coat. I call it the "magical" red coat. At first I wasn't sure if it was a strange stroke of luck, a coincidence that every time I tightened the hood snug around his face, he immediately calmed down. But on our trip, this little red coat became the one surefire way to keep our Asher happy. It became our saving grace when nothing else (not even his beloved bottle) would do the trick. It actually became our little joke, whenever he was beyond inconsolable, Aaron would say, "time to break out the red coat". The red coat is also what allowed him to sleep comfortably - and entirely through each night - in his far from comfortable infant carrier. This red coat quickly become our friend.
What I love even more about this magical coat, is the story of how it landed in my possession. If you know my mom, you know that she had an eye for a bargain. She also loved to stock up on things when she found a good deal, and keep them on hand for baby shower gifts, friends' birthday presents, etc. When you're the busy mother of seven children, you always have to be thinking ahead. One particular day, as a teenager, I remember my mom walking through the front door with several bags of baby clothes. She had happened upon a really good sale, and although her "baby" was now a toddler, and naturally would not be wearing any of these fab findings, she - always thinking ahead - purchased them to have on hand as gifts. As she pulled from the bags the typical baby outfits...a pink one here...a blue there; I remember my eyes being drawn to the bright red item showing through one of the clear plastic retail bags. As she pulled out the tiny red coat, I could only think one thing...This is adorable! I must have actually been doing my thinking out loud, because the next thing I knew, she was giving it to me. She told me to tuck it away for the day that I have my own children. And so I did. For 15 years, I held on to that coat. And I'm so happy I did. Ruby was never able to wear it because it was 115 degrees here when she was finally big enough to fit into it. In my mind, the coat was always meant for Asher. It's like a little tender mercy from the Lord. A little way of letting me know that my mom's still my mom. That she will always be a part of my life. That even though she's not here...she's still here. That she's very aware of me (and my children), and the challenges we face. I think it was His little way of allowing her to continue being the mom she always was, and the grandma she always wanted to be. The one who always made everything...all better.


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  1. okay now that was the sweetiest story ever, you brought tears to my eyes! How amazing those little treasures can be! I am o glad u hung on to it!

  2. Could you please stop posting these tear jerkers....What a special story. Your blog is so great... mine basically tells of what a dork I can be... (check my latest post!) You are such a great mom nicole, and I am sure your mom is looking down on you so happy.

  3. I love that story. Your mom sounds so much like my mom: she shops exactly like your mom did, and for the same reasons. I never really think twice about when she gives me stuff for that "one day" when I'll need it. You put a perspective on it for me that I forget about. Thank you. I should really appreciate it more.

  4. I most definitely agree with your theory...I think it was/is your mom and a message from Him--both watching out for you, your family, and little Asher :)

    Mary P.

  5. What a sweet story and I don't doubt for a second that the magic of your mom is what makes the red coat so special for Asher. The pics are so sweet.

  6. I always knew your mom was a good planner, but I didn't know she could plan THAT far ahead! :-) Ha ha! Of course, I don't believe things like that are coincidences...what a sweet story!

  7. What a sweet story! I love it! Somehow you always make me tear up a little. And oooooh my GOSH! That pic of Ruby asleep standing up.. kinda. SO SO SO FUNNY! I laughed out loud!

  8. That totally brought tears to my eyes! Especially the thought that as you tighten the strings a bit and make it more snug (I think that's how you said before that he likes it?) it's like he's getting snuggled by his grandma. And she got to give you a shower gift! So incredibly precious.

    I love that kid's lips!

  9. Nicole, tears welled up in my eyes as I read your story. It is amazing how our loved ones always watch over us, and send us reminders of their presence. Vanner's mom gave me some clothes for my little Vanner when he was born, but they didn't fit him at the right time of the year. (I am embarrassed to say that I wondered why she bought Christmas clothes and a coat too big for my son.) Now I understand, they are now perfect for Timothy. Maybe she knew something when she bought them for Vanner that she couldn't express. I don't think she really bought them for my Vanner, she bought them for my Timothy. When I pulled them out, it was as if I could feel her giving them to me all over again.

  10. What a wonderful post. During one of my middle of the night feedings the other day I was watching KBYU. The address being given was by Elder Bednar from 2005 I believe. His talk was called "Tender Mercies" After reading your post I truly believe that is exactly what the Lord has done for you. You'll have to read the talk sometime, it was really good.

  11. I LOVE that story! I know your Mom is watching over you. Thanks for sharing!

  12. you always have such wonderful stories like this.

    who can be upset when they're getting warm tight hugs from their angel grandma?
