Thursday, November 6, 2008

a possible antidote to tears...?

We may have actually found something here. On Halloween night, Asher had his longest stretch of "no tears" yet; and, I know this sounds funny, but I totally attribute it to his costume. I'll be honest, I thought he would throw a complete fit when I put it on around his face; but quite the opposite happened...he actually stopped crying, and then carried on being happy and contented the entire night.

Well, the other night something similar happened. We're getting ready to go to Boston, so I've been gathering up some coats and warm clothes for the kids. I found a 12 month coat for him in one of Ruby's clothes' bins in the garage. I really didn't want to have to buy him something new, and was really hoping this coat would just do the trick...(even though it's like 4 times his size). As I was trying it on him, he was throwing a hysterical fit, but the moment I tied that hood tight around his face, he fell asleep...and slept for a really, really long time.

Lately, I've noticed that when I put him down, if I just put another blanket around his head...he falls asleep so much quicker, and sleeps so much longer. Weird, I know...but it may just be the antidote to some of his discomfort.




  1. Oh, that is darling! That second picture is so cute, I laughed out loud. What a muffin!

  2. hahahahaha... i dont know why im laughing so hard at that second pic. I love it.You know what is weird? I love something around my face too! I fall asleep ALOT quicker.. i dont know why. I like either the back of my hand on my cheek or my pillow puffed up around my cheeks. haha. Me and Asher should be friends...

  3. What a cutie! I used to put a blanket around George's head in a u-shape to help him go to sleep.

  4. Hmmm........can I borrow the jacket tonight! J/K glad you've found something to relieve his poor discomfort! Have fun on your trip!!!

  5. That is so cute! My friend's babies always had to have a blanket over their face (always made me nervous) in order to fall asleep.

  6. I didn't know you guys were going to Boston. I'm jealous. Have so much fun!!

  7. Bless his little heart! What a cutie. Time to invest in some Elmer-Fud hats!

    Hope you get things figured out for him soon.

  8. Bless his little heart! What a cutie. Time to invest in some Elmer-Fud hats!

    Hope you get things figured out for him soon.

  9. Yeah!!!!! I'm glad you've found something to make him happy! The little lion costume was adorable on him! He looks soo cute in the picture... little guy in a big jacket. =) I hope you guys have a great trip! Tell your brother congratulations on their new little arrival!

  10. That is so sweet. Isn't it funny how every child has their own little thing that brings them comfort? They all come with their own little quirks!

  11. I'm so glad you found something to help him be more happy! A strange thing, but sometimes you just never know what will make them happy. Cute pictures!

  12. Hi Nicole! I just love you and your cute family. You are one of my heros, because of the mother you are. You truly inspire me. Thank you for your continued friendship. Love you.

  13. that second picture is absolutely hilarious, glad you found a cure! haha!

  14. Oh Nicole! What a cutie you have. I've been dropping in on your blog. So good to see your darling little fam.

    Mind if I keep sneaking a peak at your life?

  15. Macy is the same way! She sleeps in one of those blanket sleepers (cus it's FREEZING cold here in Utah!!) but she HAS to have a blanket almost completely over her face. Maybe it makes them feel more secure. Doesn't it feel so good to figure something out like that??

  16. Man, the strangest things can bring such comfort to kids. What a cutie he is you guys.

    I've been totally out of the blogging thing lately and feel like I need to catch up with your posts! I didn't know you guys were in Boston until Amber told me on Sunday. How fun. I love Boston.

    I really hope something works for Asher soon. It is heartbreaking to see a baby suffer from reflux so badly. He's in our prayers as well. Good thing it sounds like you guys have good doctors?
