Wednesday, November 26, 2008

the cradle of american history...


Boston is one of the oldest US cities, and therefore is rich with history and culture. I knew before going that there would be so much do, and even more to see. On account of that, we decided to rely wholly upon Aaron and Dorothy's expertise and seasoning in the city, to give us a true taste of Boston.
First and foremost, they took us to Newbury Street, a mecca for visitors and locals alike. I've never been to Europe, but walking along Newbury Street made me feel like I was in a different country. Everything from the 19th century architecture, to the eclectic mix of high-end retail shops and restaurants...with the coolest cathedralic looking churches popping up sporadically. I can't even describe the feelings I felt as I window shopped and people watched along Newbury Street. There was just this buzz and excitement in the air that I can still feel, but can't explain. It housed a rich urban feel, too - full of uniqueness and individuality that was so different from other shopping districts I've been to.

So, at the end of Newbury street, we entered the most beautiful and ethereal park I've ever been to. Where are we? I asked. To which Dorothy replied, Boston Common. Wow! That's all I can say. It was huge, and open, and heavenly...lined with majestic trees clothed in vibrant reds, yellows, and oranges - whose leaves swirled and spiraled in patterns...down...down...down...until they stilled upon the lush, green, velvety ground. I could have stayed in Boston Common, and the adjacent Public Garden all day...that's how exquisite and empyreal they were to me. I loved seeing families and friends congregating together - enjoying the beautiful weather; photographers - attempting to capture the park's essence and serenity through their art; musicians - adding to the unique feel and unmatched ambiance that already existed. All the history, the beauty, being with those I love...the whole experience was something I shall not soon forget.

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From the Public Garden, we began (but did not finish) walking the freedom trail. The freedom trail is about 2.5 miles, and it passes some of the city's most prominent historic landmarks. Dorothy was a great tour guide...she showed us the Massachusetts State House, Park Street Church, the burial grounds of Benjamin Franklin's family, Mother Goose, Paul Revere, victim's of the Boston Massacre, and some of Boston's most famous revolutionaries; she also showed us the first public school, and the Boston Massacre sight. That was a really weird feeling for me to stand on the same corner where innocent civilians were brutally murdered some 230 years event which culminated in the American Revolution.
From there, we visited only the restrooms in Faneuil Hall, and headed over to the Quincy Market to get some dinner. It reminded me a bit of mall's food court, but it was hundreds of feet long, and housed somewhere around 50 fast food restaurants. We walked up and back the long corridor, through the crowds of people, until we finally decided on pizza at Regina's.
Next up, was a stroll through the North End, and a stop at the world-renowned Mike's Pastry to indulge our sweet cravings. Through the pouring rain - and with our boxed pastries in hand - we raced to the car...and within minutes were home - warm, enjoying a nice movie, and devouring our cannolis.

It was the perfect a more than perfect day.




  1. Wow, those leaves are amazing. I wish we could have seen Boston like that. It looks beautiful. I loved the Commons and the Garden too. It was one of my favorite things about Boston.

  2. Love the leaf pictures! I wish we had some of that here!

  3. What an awesome family experience! Love the pics.

  4. Those pictures are amazing! I too have a big place in my heart for Boston, its one of a kind for sure. I am glad that you were able to go there and it looks like you loved it!

  5. Boston in the Fall.....I can not think of a more beautiful place!

  6. Okay -- What a fun fun trip (airport trauma aside) -- and might I say -- do you take any bad pictures? These are so wonderful! Thank you for sharing.

  7. hey nickers--a great tribute to a blast of a day. You forgot to include a description of my lost wallet and its fortuitous recovery. Ha ha.
