Thursday, October 30, 2008

still can't even believe it...


So what's so unbelievable about a safety pin, you ask?

Well, nothing's actually the where and the how I found it that strains credulity. You see, I discovered it yesterday as I was changing Asher's diaper; and the end that I've labeled in the photo, is the end that I spotted poking out of his's the very end I had to grab a hold of, in order to help my son expel the big ol' safety pin from his posterior.
John and I had a very serious talk with Ruby that evening, during which she admitted to having fed the pin to him. I was in shock - and still am - that the thing made it's way relatively smoothly through his digestive tract. It's upsetting to think about all the terrible scenarios...all of the scary things that could have happened in this situation - but thankfully - didn't.
What if the pin had been opened when she put it into his mouth? What if Asher had aspirated it? What if it had gone down the wrong tube? What if it had turned horizontally as it was making it's way through the tiny passages and organs?
I just feel so blessed that he was watched over and protected by a loving Heavenly Father; and I, in turn, have committed to "watch over" big sister more closely...and also do my best to help her understand the possible outcome (and consequences) of such preposterous practices.


  1. I can't believe that either! It's amazing that he was able to swallow that thing at all. What a blessing that everything turned out fine! Someday he'll tease Ruby about this.

  2. Oh, Nicole. I don't know if this will help you feel any better but, those things happen. And you're right, we can count them as HUGE blessings when they don't go horribly wrong.

    We've had some interesting things come out in diapers. You really want to know? Ok. Lego, penny, 50 pop corn kernals (in ONE diaper--totally undigested). I'm sure there's more that I don't even know about. Feel better? :)

    One thing you REALLY want to watch for is magnets. Those are bad. Really bad if swallowed.

    Kids (and their digestive systems) are so resilient.

  3. OH MY GOSH!! So scary. Just a little funny but oh my gosh.. Crazy!

  4. okay that would freak me out. It sounds like Ruby understood what you were saying. Way to stay calm about it.

  5. I still say... Heavenly Father new I couldn't do Evening In Excellence without you, and just slid that thing right out.... I was happy to witness it firsthand, or i wouldn't have believed it! What a miracle...

  6. Nicole! I am soooooo grateful little guy is okay. What a blessing and pure miracle that nothing did go wrong. Knowing now that all is will be a funny story to tell! =) I too, like Sarah, am sooo grateful for everything you did for Wednesday night. You are amazing! You are an incredible leader to these girls. They are so lucky to have you. What an example you are to me! I am soooo bummed we didn't get to go to the trunk or treat tonight. BB has been sick with a fever all day. Ugh! Anyhow... I will have to see your cute pics of your Halloween costumes!!! =) Happy Halloween! Love you!

  7. Wow! That is crazy. I am glad the little dude is okay.

  8. That is unbelievable! Yikes! and whew!

    oh...and I love the cowboy and Indian getups!

  9. Oh my gosh! Big sisters can be a baby brother's worst enemy sometimes! (:

  10. oh no. i can't believe that. it's amazing what items can pass right on through these little bodies. i'm so glad he's okay.
