Tuesday, October 7, 2008

it's a good thing she's cute...


because she sure is testing my patience these days. In fact, on Friday, I couldn't believe my ears when I heard these phrases come from her sweet lips...

"No Way, Mom!"
"No! You not in charge!"
"You not special!"

...and finally, the clincher...

"You stupid!"

Wow, I had no idea she even knew what these things meant...let alone, where she picked them up.

We've been doing a lot of "reproving with sharpness" around here, but then doing our best to "show forth afterwards an increase of love". (D&C 121:43)

I'll be the first to admit, it's a little harder than it sounds.


  1. Sweet little Ruby...How could you say things like that about her?? just kidding yeapp Sofi is in the same page But she likes to put me in Time-Out..We really have to enjoy this moments they will never come back..bth How is you baby doing???

  2. I so relate. We went through a really bad stage with George when Charlie learned how to walk. George could not walk past him with out pushing him down and it seemed there was nothing I could do to make him stop (until I deployed my zero tolerance policy...that works with George). Things have been better for a while but recently George started biting Charlie. He has done it twice. The first time it took me a while to figure out what happened but when he did it again yesterday I immediately recognized Charlie's cry as his "I've been bit" cry and searched his body over for teeth marks. I was so upset with George that I couldn't even talk to him. I just told him he needed to go up to his room for a while and once Charlie calmed down I went and talked to him. There are many days when the only thing I pray for is patience. :) Two kids is way more than twice as many as one...Don't you think?

  3. I say the same thing about Savanna. Heavenly Father must make them cute for that reason.

  4. She is pretty dang cute and if it makes you feel better I think you are pretty special. What is that black and white background I love whatever it is.

  5. teresa,
    that did make me feel better...thank you.

    and as far as what you see in the background of the pic?...our black damask curtains from target :)

  6. Alex has her own special phrases, and I seriously wonder where she heard them too!

    Funny story...She went thru a time where she called everything stupid, but we finally got her off that kick. One Sunday, a man in our ward was giving a talk and used the word stupid. Alex turned to me and said (in a LOUD voice) "MOM! He said STUPID! That's not a good word!" Embarrassing to say the least.

    But Alex has found a new outlet...biting. Her pre-school teachers love that! Hang in there, Nicole...and just remind yourself that it's all worth it and I think you're an amazing mom!
