Thursday, October 16, 2008

ice cream in naples...

Sounds pretty dreamy, doesn't it?

Photobucket Photobucket

I wish I could say that John and I were able to enjoy a weekend get-a-way in Naples, and that while walking hand-in-hand along the soft, sandy beach, we together enjoyed ice cream, and soaked up the sunshine.

In actuality, it was nothing like that. John and his brother, Rob, went for business last weekend. And, well, the closest I came to soaking up the sunshine on a sandy coastline... was the daydream provoked by the pic (Rob emailed) of John lying out in the sand...beautiful ocean waves crashing along the shore in the background. And what was I doing?...calming the waves that were happining at home.

Life so isn't fair.

John gathered some seashells to bring home to Ruby, and the first thing she said was "Yay! Ice Cream!...and Pretzel!" Kids are so funny. It made me happy to know that I'm not the only one who likes to day dream and imagine.

Someday, I hope to take my whole family to a beautiful tropical place, where we can play in the ocean, and sit and eat ice cream (or pretzels) all day...but until then, we'll live vicariously through John's adventures...and enjoy our souvenir seashells.


  1. I agree, life isn't fair! Ruby is too cute. I hope also that one day I can take my family to a tropical location to have fun, especially on a day like today! I've already started my list for Layn of places I want to take family trips to before our kids are all grown up years from now. He thinks I'm crazy.

    I read your email about Asher's ear infection. I'm so sorry. Poor guy. Hopefully he'll get better soon and there won't be any more hospital visits! Call me if you need anything. Love you guys.

  2. that pouty face in the princess dress... priceless.

  3. Wow! I can't believe how grown up Ruby looks! She really is getting big. That dream vacation sounds pretty good to me!
