Wednesday, October 22, 2008

getting into the spirit: part II

I don't know what it is about Halloween, but I just love it. During the entire month of October...we're usually in dress-up mode. The other day we were cowboys and indians.

Poor Asher has no idea what he got himself into when he joined up with us...

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  1. Asher didn't really like that idea did he!!!

  2. He was pretty happy until we made him sit by the cowboy...:)

  3. So, cute! Nice to know someone else is every bit as crazy about halloween as I am!

  4. HAHA! o wow!
    thank you for posting those pictures. that absolutely cracked me up. i'm actually still laughing.

    can't wait to see him in his halloween costume!

    your kids are going to look back at these pics and think you are the raddest.

  5. I love it! As I am sure you can imagine we are pretty into Halloween at our house too. This morning the only way I could get Charlie to change out of his "spooky pj's" was to let him wear his Halloween costume. I have washed it four times already but I love that they love to dress up. So fun!

  6. hahahaha that is SO great! I love it! Where did you get that hat?!

  7. So cute! The one of him crying with Ruby is priceless!

  8. Hilarious! You are a fun mom -- However I guess cowboys and indians don't mix... HA!

  9. Oh my gosh, that's hilarious! LOL!

  10. that is fantastic... where did you get that headress?!!
