Thursday, September 25, 2008



I have discovered Ruby's passion. Her newest obsession. With it, she is perfectly content, she feels beautiful, she even smiles more. But the moment I mention that it may be taken away due to her unruly behavior, is the very moment her entire world comes crashing down. (I try to avoid making those threats if at all's just not pretty.) I can also bribe her to do essentially anything by the mere mention that if she act in accordance with my wishes, she will be able to exult in her newly discovered fascination.
I have my dear friend, Rania to thank for this...this...thing that just so happens to be ruling my daughter's life! You see, while we were in Utah to get Asher, Rania and her daughter, Kailey, gave Ruby a Cinderella dress (or as Ruby would say...her ci'rella dwess) and a pair of glass slippers. Little did they know what a hit this gift would be. Seriously, Ruby's entire universe revolves around Cinderella now, and the funny and ironic part about it all, is that we don't even own the movie. In fact, before receiving the dress, I don't think she even knew who Cinderella was...and now? she thinks she is Cinderella.
She wears the dress to the store, to the Dr. office, to play group...she eats in it, sometimes naps in it, and when she wakes in the morning, it's the first thing she asks for.
And I thought I was doing a lot more laundry due to Asher's incessant spitting.. but no, it's mostly because I'm washing that darn dress everyday so that my sweet little Ruby can continue to muse in her princess dream world. I love being a mom...never a dull moment.



  1. And what a pretty Cinderella she is. So cute. I love the girly girls!

  2. She is so cute. You need to get her the Cinderella movie. Then she can sing the songs and help you with all the house work just like a real Cinderella.

  3. I'm so glad that I could be of assitance to you. I loved when Ruby thanked the cat for the dress. She is too cute.

  4. I love it! Every time I've seen her the past couple weeks she's wearing it! She is so darn cute. And I love how she says ci'rella. Little Ruby, you are too precious for words.

  5. And I'm so, so glad she's feeling better!

  6. si amiga ruby es una linda pricecita es muy linda esa vida de fantacia y la verdad que uno como madre disfruta mucho de la inocencia de nuestros hijos y tienes mucha razon como madre no tenemos tiempo para aburrinos con todas las cosas que salen cada dia es mu hermosa esta oportunidad de ser madre

  7. She is too cute! I have almost identical pictures of my oldest daughter in each of her princess dresses. (Snow White was my favorite!) I cannot wait until my Ruby is big enough to play dress up!! There is just something magical about that age!

  8. I love that. Imagine her elation when she actually watches the movie!

  9. So cute! Isn't having a little girl the best? I LOVE the princess phase. It's so fun!

  10. What a cutie! The princess stage is becoming so much fun. I love seeing the little girls all dressed up and thinking that they are THE princess. Love it! She is adorable!

  11. We had so much fun with you guys the other night. We really should be hanging out more. We need to get a house, so we can have people over!
