Tuesday, July 8, 2008

tiny dancer...

Ruby is so funny. Tonight she dressed us each in a pair of her little tiny dolly shoes (they would only fit on our big toes), and then wanted us all to go bye bye. John and I thought it was hilarious, but to her it wasn't the least bit funny. To her, it made complete sense. One day she'll understand that shoes are not to be worn on one's toes, just as John's work shirts are not "daddy's dresses", his briefcase is not "daddy's purse", and his wedding band is not "daddy's earring".

For now, we just play along; and love that she is always keeping us on our toes...literally.


  1. Have you ever heard me sing my song, "Hold me closer Tony Danza"?

  2. So cute! Kids are so fun to have in our lives.

    BTW, love Elton's comment! Is that from Phoebe from "Friends"?

  3. ha ha...john actually left the "mysterious" elton john comment. we had a good laugh together because whenenver my dad sings the song tiny dancer, he replaces tiny dancer with tony danza. it's always been a family favorite!

    ps. so does phoebe sing it that way too? i've only seen a handful of friends episodes...

  4. So I'm guessing Ruby is in the Tinkerbell slippers, you are in the Cinderella slippers, and John is in the Bell ones.

  5. I think I like John's shoes best. Yellow is definately his color. Give Ruby a big squeeze from me for making my morning!

  6. wow kira...i'm impressed. you know your disney princesses!

  7. That is so sweet! I love the dress up phase. I'll be sad when Anistyn grows out of it.

  8. Oh, that is just too cute! Kids are the best. Maybe you'll enroll Ruby in Ballet when she turns 3 or 4. :)

    That "Tony Danza" thing is hilarious! LOL!

  9. That is funny! Hey, I just got your message and will be calling you after naptime....I need my beauty sleep (literally)!

  10. love it! you and ruby have identical toesies!

    (ava calls bryce's scripture case his purse. those girls, i love their innocent silliness!)

  11. oh, and bryce sometimes says tony danza when he sings tiny dancer, too.

  12. That is so darling. Thanks so much for calling me today Nicole. You are such a sweetheart and I thank Heavenly Father everyday for friends like you. Love you.

  13. oh my gosh, that was probably in my top ten posts of all time! haha.. she is SO cute! I cant wait for moments like that!

  14. Oh, so funny! She is the sweetest little girl. And I LOVE the picture!

  15. You know, I was thinking about it last night --

    Ruby changed each one of those things into something feminine. (daddy's dress, daddy's earring, daddy's purse...) She probably did that because she's with mommy during the day. How cute! Ruby is a true girl through and through.

  16. This doesn't have anything to do with the topic but I just wanted to just tell you I am SO excited about your little boy!!! I am just SO happy for you guys! August, that's so soon, isn't it crazy?! You're going to have another baby in a month!!! Yeah! :)

  17. I think this is one of the cutest pictures! How sweet is Ruby?!? Its those little things in life and the little things that children say that make life so great!
