Wednesday, July 30, 2008

i'm alive...and nesting

I just got a call from one of my best and closest friends in Utah. I guess due to my recent respite from blogging, she became worried that something was seriously wrong. Well, in case anyone else might be wondering (or worrying), I'll assure you that things are just fact, they couldn't be better. Our little son will be born in three weeks, and with that event just around the corner, I've acutely experienced the nesting instinct. I always thought that tendency was reserved only for hormonal pregnant women, expecting their own biological children. But the past few weeks, John and I have proved that theory wrong through our late night organizing sessions, furniture rearranging parties, organizer purchasing outings, cupboard cleaning and clearing celebrations, and baseboard scrubbing bouts. We've even had to part ways with some of our favorite things...all in an effort to prepare a place for our sweet baby boy. During the process of moving our furniture, our wireless connection was disturbed, and we've been without the Internet for about two weeks. Every once in a while I can steal a signal from our neighbor (that's how I was able to do this post), but then, before I know it, it's gone again. We have a repairman coming out on Friday.
So no worries, I still love blogging...and I've missed it like crazy...and I have a lot to catch up on...and I'll be back in no time. :)

Thanks for your concern. Love you all.


  1. That is so good to hear. The last time you were on blogging hiatus poor Ruby had be bitten by the dog! I was actually thinking that maybe your little guy decided to come a bit early and you were getting into the swing of things with that. I am SO excited for you guys. I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about him when he comes!

  2. Thanks for the update. I am so excited to meet your little one.

  3. I'm so excited for your little guy to come! Nesting is actually probably way easier when you're NOT humongous, exhausted, and whaleish. I nested way more in theory than in reality with this one.

  4. What an exciting time! I'm sure he can't wait to meet you!

  5. I was JUST thinking about you on the bus ride to work this morning, Nicole. I was thinking "Gosh, I hope everything is alright with The Eaglestons. Nicole hasn't blogged in a while. I wonder how Ruby's healing. And I wonder if everything is alright with the baby."


    I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO THRILLED about this precious little addition to the Eagleson family. This baby boy is the luckiest little guy on the planet. I can't wait to see pictures and hear all about this blessed baby boy.

    Love and Blessings from Utah!

  6. Glad you updated, although I knew what you were up to....missed you on the blog!

  7. as i was scrolling through my reader, i got all excited to see that you finally posted, and then i remembered, wait, i posted your blog. haha.

    either way, it's nice to have you back on the www.

  8. Got to love the nesting part of being a parent! Thanks again for all your help during these past couple weeks. I still can't believe that your little boy is coming so soon! Love you.

  9. glad you are okay, and that is exciting that your little one is so close to coming, I bet you guys just can't wait! I can't wait to see pictures of the cute little doll. You will love having a boy, they are so much fun, and love to be mommy's boys so just be aware. Oh I really am so excited for you guys! love you all

  10. I am so excited for you and can't wait to see pictures of the little guy! I too am in the nesting period with only 6 weeks left until our little girl is here. Best of luck to you guys!

  11. Wow time flies! I cannot believe your little guy will soon be here! We are so excited for you guys! We will have to come up there to see you, Jon, Ruby, and the new little boy! How exciting! Love ya guys tons!
