Tuesday, May 27, 2008

six day celebration...

I love having a May birthday. It's so fun to be able to celebrate right at the onset of summer...my very favorite time of year. I also love sharing a May birthday with John, and I love that that our birthdays are just two days apart. It's fun because rather than just having one day to celebrate, which always seems to come and go too quickly anyway, we get like an entire week packed with festivities. This year was particularly fun because our birthdays fell during the Memorial Weekend - giving us an excuse to prolong the celebration...yet another day.

So here's a brief recap of our six day revelry...

Thursday- due to the fact that John would be waking up at the crack of dawn on Friday to participate in a golf tournament that he and Rob had organized, I let him open all of his presents the night before.

Friday- John turned 29! We stayed the night with our nieces and nephew's while their parents were in Vegas. We ordered Barro's Pizza with the kids, then sang to John, and had cake and ice cream.

Saturday- John and I went to the Police concert. It was held at an outdoor venue in Phoenix. I love going to outdoor shows. I love getting lawn seats, and throwing a blanket down, and just lying there listening to the music with the person I love more than anything on this earth. Nothing beats it. In fact we were so relaxed that we even fell asleep a few times during the show. At one point I woke up to a man, who seemed totally irritated that we would actually be sleeping during the Police concert, saying "you two enjoying your nap?". Yes, as a matter of fact, we were :)

Sunday- I turned 31! We got home from our concert after midnight, technically making it my birthday, so John let me open my presents before we went to bed! I just have to say that I have the sweetest, most thoughtful husband. He has heard me talk for a while now about wanting to get a telephoto lens for my camera. So, doing all the research himself, he got me a really nice lens for my birthday. I was so completely shocked...and overwhelmed...and surprised that he would do that all on his own. He also got me some camera accessories, and tickets to the Idols concert on July 1st! Can't wait for that...especially to be able to see that adorable little David.
The young women sang to me in church, and our darling YW's president brought brownies for everyone.
And finally, we had a family dinner to celebrate the three birthdays (John's-23rd, Rob's-24th, Mine-25th) at John's dad's house. We ate in the back yard, and enjoyed the beautiful weather and conversation, while the kids played to their heart's content.

Monday- John and I shopped to our heart's content, went to Oregon Stop Pizza with Rob, Brooke, and the kids, and ended the day by watching two movies...in bed!

Tuesday- My sweet friend, Celeste , organized a birthday dinner, in my honor, with a bunch of my friends from the ward. I really feel so undeserving, but also so thankful to my Heavenly Father for blessing me beyond measure with so many wonderful friends. Thank you again, Celeste, you truly are a sweetheart.

Wow...what a fun, action-packed week- full of festivities. Can't wait to do it all again...in another 362 days!


  1. Happy Birthday to you both! Looks like you had a great time. You deserve it!

  2. Happy Birthday! I am so glad you had such a great time. I really wish we could have been there. Six days of festivities sounds right up my alley.

  3. So cool about the lens! Lenses make all the difference (which I'm sure is why you wanted one!) It is on our "someday" list. Glad you had a happy birthday!

  4. Happy birthday! I really wish I could have gone to the dinner to celebrate with you. Maybe at the next Girls Outing I will be able to make it.

  5. Happy Birthday to the both of you. Sounds like John did a great job as always. I would love a nice camera. I would also love to see David A perform you are one lucky girl. PS I think that Birthdays should be celebrated for more than just one day and the way you did it sounds perfect to me.

  6. Again, Happy Birthday! I'm so glad that you had such a great weekend!

  7. Sounds like a fun week! Happy Birthday to you both! I'm excited you got a new lens! What kind is it? You're going to be amazed at the difference.

  8. Happy birthday to both of you. Six days to celebrate is AWESOME! I forgot that you and I share the same birthday. I think it is seriously the BEST day to have a birthday :)

  9. Happy Birthday to you guys! My husband and my birthday are two days apart too, very fun! Sounds like you had a lot of fun.

  10. Yeaya!! Im glad I got to see you on your bithday. Im happy that you had such a great birthday... you deserved every bit of it
