Monday, April 28, 2008


It's Ruby's very own, very unique way, of saying "glasses" - another of her most recent obsessions. A few weeks ago, she happened upon a pair of newborn sunglasses - a baby shower gift from my sisters, given before Ruby was even born. Being that they were intended for a newborn, they came equipped with a comfortable, cushiony strap designed to fit around the baby's head to hold them in place. Ruby no longer has that tiny newborn head, but has been insistent on wearing the glasses anyway. Most the time they end up just hanging from her neck because they're too uncomfortably tight to wear for long periods of time. But she loves them, nonetheless. Since then, she has discovered other glasses in different styles, shapes, and colors; each of which, at one point, has been considered to be her favorite.

So whether they're too big...

or too small...

or too broken...

or too blurry (because either they're mom's prescription glasses, or they're doubled up with another pair, or both)...

Ruby simply can't live...

...without her "sasses".


  1. hahaha...

    please bless that my little girl(someday) is just as cute and animated as Ruby

  2. That Ruby is too cute for words. I love those strawberry sunglasses she wore when she was with us last Friday! I love that you take pictures of all of the things she does too. They brighten my day!

  3. They say that the will of your child at two is just a glimpse into their will during their teenage years. Between shoes and sasses you guys better plan on a big clothing budget for that little girl :)

  4. And might I add that she looks very "sassy" in her sasses.

  5. she's such a cutie! ava, too, loves her glasses. when she leaves the house she always asks for them and keeps them on until we're inside somewhere. these girls make me laugh!

  6. How do you just not EAT her up? Seriously!

  7. I love the word "sasses" too! It's pretty perfect for a toddles who loves sunglasses. Love all the pics!

  8. Love, love this girl! She's got so much spunk - love it!

    Those red strawberry sunglasses she's wearing in the bottom picture are too cute! And her hair looks so pretty in that cute little braid. This girl's got style and personality. I admit I got a little fettish for "sasses" too.

  9. she is soo cute! wish we could take pictures in church haha-she was so funny to watch..putting the huge glasses on!

  10. Could she be any cuter!!? I can't believe she will actually wear them!

  11. Love it! Sounds just like Emma. She can't live without her shades either. Thank you for sharing all your spititual experiences too Nicole. I enjoy reading you testimony and feel your sweet spirit. You have always been a friend I look up to in so many ways. Love you girl.

  12. She is way too cute. I remember organizing some of those sasses on the BP tables for hours everyday.

  13. She looks adorable in ALL of her "sasses"!

  14. hahahah..well ya we did-it was REALLY old and needed to retire :D it wasnt my idea tho!

  15. Sasses...that is too cute! She definately has style with her shoes and sunglasses! I love your pictures too. The angle of the ones of Ruby in the shower are so great! You are too creative.

  16. Hi Nicole and John! It's Nia! I found your blog from Steph Jones. Your little girl is adorable! Mine is just a few months younger than she is. Well I hope that you are doing well!
