Wednesday, March 12, 2008

john john john john....

I think most kids, at some point, go through a stage where they call their parents by their first names. It must be pretty confusing for them, if you think about it...hearing their dad call mom something other than mom, momma, or mommy, and vice versa. For the most part, Ruby refers to her dad as "daddy", but occasionally we'll catch her roaming around the house calling out "John, John" or "John...where are you?" We don't mind it for now...actually we think it's pretty cute. As long as it's just a stage she'll eventually grow out of - because when I hear teenagers calling their parents by their first names?...Well, I find it nothing short of obnoxious.

Ruby Won't go to Bed...Part 3


  1. I love that! Can't wait for my boys to get some quality time with little Ruby girl. We are coming over Easter for a week. We are leaving the Thursday before Easter and I am planning on hanging out with the whole time :)

  2. All those videos are so cute. I love her she is such a little doll. I can't get over how grown up she is, she is so smart to. I love how she looks directly at john when john is talking to her. You can tell she loves to her what her daddy has to say!

  3. hey ! justin i guess talked to john and wanted us to leave you a message :D cute blog!

  4. Cute! Gavin did that to me for a time...called me Jamie, but he grew out of it. It actually made me sad because I wanted him to call me mommy so bad. Now he says mommy constantly and I am wishing he for Jamie again!

  5. I have really loved the "Ruby won't go to sleep" series! What's so great about it (other than the fact that Ruby is so darn cute) is how much you guys love your daughter.

    Oh, those sleepless nights. :)

  6. I am so sad about what happened yesterday. You all are in our thoughts and prayers. We will be thinking about sweet Ruby! Love you guys!

  7. When I was younger, and we were trying to get my parent's attention and it didn't seem like they listening when we used "mom" or "dad" we went with their first names....I was about eight when I figured that out. And let's see...Alex is two and already knows that that works, boy am I in trouble!

  8. You guys will cherish these videos forever Nicole. You inspire me to take more videos of Ty, because I don't do it near enough!

  9. I think it's great that she knows her dadddy's name. I think it's great for safety reasons. I think it's never too early to teach them mommy and daddy's name, and possible work on the address (or city) or phone numbers. It doesn't hurt to be safe!!! :)
