Thursday, March 27, 2008

It's a miracle...

First of all, I want to thank everyone for their care and concern in behalf of our little Ruby girl. I know that over the past two weeks countless prayers have been offered. Her name has been placed upon the prayer rolls of the temple. Fasts have been rendered. Faith has been exhibited. Blessings have been administered. Words of love and encouragement have been imparted. And we truly have cause to rejoice in our merciful Lord as we have witnessed not just one miracle - but miracle...upon miracle...upon miracle...

For those who may be feeling a bit "out of the loop", allow me to fill you in. Exactly two weeks ago, Ruby had an encounter with a dog who apparently couldn't resist sinking his teeth into those pleasingly plump cheeks of hers.
We spent several hours in the Emergency rooms of two different hospitals and were seen by doctors and nurses - each confirming that the punctures and lacerations in her lips and cheek would require several stitches. However, we insisted on seeing a plastic surgeon (and were finally referred to one), who, after looking her closely over, actually advised against suturing the wounds. He assured us that in time, every single one of her wounds would heal completely on it's own. "Stitching everything up", he said, "would increase her chances of having permanent facial scarring". That was our first miracle. Not actually needing any stitches.

After being home for a day and a half, we noticed a red spot on her face. She didn't have a fever, but all signs were pointing to infection. We called the Emergency Room at the hospital, and were advised to bring her back in. They told us that most likely the antibiotic they had initially sent us home with, was probably not doing the trick, and that if we came back in, they could give us a new prescription. After taking one look at her, the pediatric doctor determined that the infection was serious and that she would need to be hospitalized. They administered an IV, and immediately started the antibiotic. Although having to be in the hospital for nearly four days was less than ideal, we were truly blessed to have taken her in when we did. By doing so, Ruby received the treatment she needed to fight the infection before it got too out of hand. Another miracle.

During the time Ruby was in the hospital, the doctors and nurses were concerned about an abscess in her cheek under the surface of her skin. Every effort was made to keep her wounds from healing over so that the infection could drain out. On the fourth day, the redness and swelling had gone down considerably, and thankfully, her doctor didn't feel the need to keep us there any longer. He was still concerned about the abscess in her cheek, (which had not gone down in the slightest), and spoke with the plastic surgeon about the possibility of having it surgically drained. The surgeon said that he wanted to see us the following week to discuss our possible options. Unexpectedly, he called us at the end of the week and wanted to take a look at her. We took her to his Scottsdale office, and after looking over her face and feeling what the other doctors were calling an "abscess", he informed us of their error. It was not an abscess after all. It was nothing more than some inflammation of the tissue (induration) caused by the injury. She was still infected, but he told us to make sure she completed her course of antibiotic (7 days orally at home), and that after some time, the hardness and inflammation would go down. What a miracle that Ruby wasn't going to need surgery.

Within 1/2 an hour of her accident, John, with the assistance of Joe (our brother-in-law), gave Ruby a blessing. He particularly felt impressed to bless her to remain calm, to be comfortable, and allow the doctors to do what they needed to to help her. Miraculously, Ruby has not experienced any pain due to her injuries. And if she has, she has not made it apparent in the least. She has been in good spirits. She has remained her happy and optimistic self. She has allowed us to treat her wounds. And except for immediately following the incident, she has not once even so much as cried or complained to us about her "owies". Now that, to me, is a miracle.

It's a miracle that she is healing up so quickly and beautifully. She had a laceration (about an inch long) from the corner of her mouth going down towards her chin that tore almost completely through her cheek, literally just hanging together by a thread of skin. In fact, everytime she sucked on her binky, the cut opened up and we could see into the inside of her mouth. Miraculously, it's now completely closed up and healing wonderfully.

It's a miracle that she is not afraid of dogs after this ordeal. We have seen a few here and there at parks and being walked around the neighborhood, and all she wants to do is "pet the doggy".

We really do feel so blessed. It never is ideal to see your children get hurt, but this could have been so much worse...and the fact that it wasn't, to a miracle.

I love the advice my dad gave to us, to put this in the Lord's hands, for He is the Master Physician, and great healer. Truly it is nothing short of a miracle to have witnessed the Master take my daughter in His hands and literally bless and heal her.

Unfortunately we don't have better pictures from the first day. These were taken in the ER with John's camera phone...

After they cleaned her up...

Doesn't appear to be in much pain...

Up walking around (don't you just love her one exposed bun cheek?)


Sharing her binky with bunny

Smiling and in good spirits

I have several pictures from the days following the accident, but I think I've given you enough to look at for now. :)

Just wait though, there's more to come...


  1. Oh my goodness! How horrific! I can't imagine how traumatizing that all was for all of you! How amazing that she is doing so well! I hope you guys get some rest...I'm sure you have missed out on quite a bit!

  2. Nicole I'm so so so happy she's healing up so wonderfully. And in all those pictures you are right, she doesn't seem sad in the slightest. How blessed you all are, and we are so relieved. It truly is a miracle. Yours & John's faith in all of your trials is so inspiring to all. We love you guys.

    I'm excited for the railroad park tomorrow. The kids no doubt will have so much fun. See you soon.

  3. oh nicole, i'm so sorry about your ordeal you've gone through! What an amazing, testimony buliding story that when you put your faith in the lord miracles will happen. I'm so glad that little Ruby is healing and in good spirits.

  4. Oh my goodness, my jaw is wide open right now. I cannot believe that happened. Poor little thing! So glad everything has turned out alright, that she's healing well, and that she's been such a good little sport!

  5. Poor thing! I'm glad she's healing so well though. It's ironic because we spent last weekend at the hospital because we thought caleb had an abcess in his lip due to an infection that would have to be surgically drained. Turned out all is well with us too! Miracles do happen!

  6. Oh my. I can't believe it Nicole!! I about cried when I saw the pictures and then I did when I read about your experience, only because I am so impressed by your faith and because of the miracle that Ruby is handling all this and healing so well. We love you guys!

  7. I thought something might be up since you haven't posted in a while. What a hard ordeal for all of you! Poor little Ruby girl. It is so amazing to be able to look back and see miracles. You are such an example too, not everyone can see those positive things in the midst of trauma. It must have been impossibly hard to see your little baby going through everything. How wonderful she is healing so well, and seems to be dealing well with any pain she may have. What a wonderful mommy you are to your sweet Ruby. I hope that everything continues to be miraculous.

  8. okay that is so sad, I was in tears.. It looks like it hurt so bad, and just makes me feel so much pain for the poor little girl. I think I would be afraid of doggies after that. What a big girl. And we are so blessed to have the Lords hand in so manythings. I am glad you guys asked for the plastic surgeon and that she didn't have to have stitches. OH man really it just make me so sick and hurt for her. I am so sorry there really is nothing worse then seeing your little ones get hurt. Give Her a big hug and kiss from us.

  9. I love Ruby so much and am so glad that my kids have been able to spend so much time with her this week. I consider that a blessing. The pic of her exposed cheek is my favorite and brought a smile to my face. Ruby is light and laughter sent straight from Heaven. I love that girl.

  10. Whoah! What on earth happened? How terrifying! We have a dog ourselves, who has always been so good, but I've always still been concerned that one day he may change and snap or something, and I'm always so nervous with her around other dogs! Seriously, I think I'd want to carry her everywhere she went from now on! I'm glad everything has worked out though! She's so darling, and like you said, so blessed. It truly could have been so much worse.

  11. Oh my goodness! That poor sweet, precious little Ruby! I was wondering why it had been two weeks since your last post. I just can't believe what happened. I'm SO glad that she's healing so quickly, and that she's still in good spirits. It melted my heart seeing that last picture - there she was smiling despite the wounds. I'll be sure to pray for little Ruby as she continues to heal. Heavenly Father really is looking out for her, and you and John, too.

    Lots of love.

  12. nicole,
    i did hear about sweet ruby from amber...i am sooo so sorry! i cried when i heard the message. you have been in our prayers and we pray she is recovering ok without infection...she is blessed to have you as a mommy. you are soo wonderful and care for her soo well!sending all our love and prayers!!!

  13. Nicole-I am so sorry to hear about sweet little Ruby--she is adorable and what a trooper. It is so hard to have anything wrong or have our little one's hurt. Your family will be in my prayers.

  14. Oh wow! How scary! I'm glad that so many miracles took place in her behalf. What a sweet little girl. I'm glad to hear she is healing nicely and wasn't in any pain throughout all that. What a wonderful blessing.

  15. I was worried that something had happened when you hadn't posted in awhile. Poor Ruby! I am so glad she is going to be ok. So scary. You just never know what's going to happen each day. She will be in our prayers as she continues to heal!

  16. what a strong little girl you have! I am not surprised though... after what amazing parents she has! Im glad she is doing so much better! I was happy to see you at church on sunday. I was worried. You looked BEAUTIFUL by the way! Love you all

  17. Wow!! That is one scary accident. I can't believe how well everything is going! I hope you guys are doing okay. I can't imagine watching Baylee go through all that! How hard! We'll be praying for you guys!

  18. John & Nicole-
    We have been thinking about your family these past weeks and my mom told me about the pictures on your blog. They broke my heart! I'm so glad to hear all the optimistic news and that Ruby is on the mend- what a beautiful little girl!

    Cousin Aileen

  19. We are so glad to hear that she is doing better. It is amazing the recovery she has already made.

  20. Nicole! Oh my goodness, I am so glad that Ruby is doing better. She is so darling even in the little hospital gown. I am glad that it all worked out. I am not sure if you knew this or not but I work for a doctor who is a ocular-plastic surgeon and we had a little girl come in the other day with the same thing-thank heavens for wonderful doctors. I hope all is well with you and that little Ruby heals quickly! You are in our prayers all the time! We love you.

  21. wow, she has made so much improvement from those pictures. it's amazing how quickly she has healed. i'm so glad that she's doing so well.

    i love that picture of her backside in the gown. such a cutie!

  22. Nicole,
    I am so happy to hear that Ruby is healing! I loved reading your post. You have such a beautiful way with words and I was in tears reading about your experience! I am so happy for all of the miracles that took place and that Ruby was able to be calm! She is so sweet! We would love to have a playdate sometime. We'll be in your ward on Sunday for Amber's baby blessing, so hopefully we'll see you there!

  23. My heart aches just looking at those pictures! I'm so glad to hear of her healing so quickly and so well. Isn't amazing how the little ones just seem to bounce back?! I hope everything continues to go smoothly for you!
    And Nicole, I always love to hear what your father has to say. I don't know him well, but he seems like such an amazing man...I guess, I know where you get it! Love you guys!

  24. We are so happy Ruby is recovering so well. We had her in our prayers every night when we heard about it. We love you guys and we hope you can get back in the swing of things soon. We know how things like this throw you off. If you need anything please let us know!!

  25. I'm so sorry your family has had to go through that! I'm so happy though that she doesn't seem to be in much pain. She is such a doll.

  26. It's crazy to see those pictures now! Glad she is doing better! She's a sweetie!

  27. Poor Ruby and how scary for you and John. I don't know what I would do in that situation. I admire your faith and I am so glad that she is healing so well. And I am glad she isn't in any pain. She definitely is one special girl and Heavenly Father is watching over you and your family daily. Love you guys!

  28. Nicole-
    The whole experience is nothing short of a miracle. We are so glad that Ruby is healed up so well and doing good. And through it all you were still able to do all that you have in the last few weeks. You are incredible - what a wonderful example you are to all of us!

  29. oh! those pictures make me cringe, you hope that nothing bad ever happens to them, but what a great blessing she received to be calm through the whole ordeal. And I'm so amazed that she still likes dogs. She is such a sweet girl.

    It really is amazing that she hasn't complained at all, especially after watching the going to bed series where all she could say was 'ouch'. it sounds like you all came out of this in the 'best case scenario' and i'm so glad you did. the windows of heaven are open to your family.

  30. My mom told me about this the night it happened and I was so worried about little Ruby. I am so glad she is alright, it really is a miracle. And what a cute face she has!!!!!!!!!!!

  31. I woke up in the middle of the night with you and John strongly on my mind. Immediately, I opened your blog, Nicole, and was astonished at what I read and saw. Nicole, your father means so much to me and when I read his advise to you - it made me smile, and it made me cry. He is no typical Dad, that's for sure. As parents, we all have our stories to share about our children. You, especially, are so blessed by having that incredible man in your lives. I am so pleased to see how well Ruby is doing. As for you and John, I know there are so many special people in your lives... but having Brian Pitts to lean on must surely be a grand miracle. My love to you all, and an extra hug for Ruby, please.
