Monday, March 31, 2008

better late than never...

As I mentioned earlier, the events of the past few weeks have left me feeling behindhand in certain aspects of my life. Today I spent the better part of the day cleaning our house and catching up on laundry...and when John got off work, we did a quick Costco run. It's a process, but things are finally starting to come together.
So anyway, before too much time goes by, and before March comes to an official end, I figure I better post a few Easter pics.
This year, at least to me, Easter felt really weird. Sadly, I felt somewhat disconnected from the very reason we celebrate Easter. I think it mostly had to do with the fact that it was so early this year...just kinda crept up on me. Last year, I felt like I had so much more time to really prepare myself spiritually - I felt so close to my Savior. I guess it's never too late to experience those fact, I really should be feeling that close to my Savior all year round.
It's a good thing that Ruby is still so young, because while I was feeling spiritually deprived, she had no idea that her Easter was devoid of so many fun, secular traditions.
We did, however, on Saturday, manage to take a trip to see the Easter Bunny...who did not forget to leave her a few surprises on Easter morning. We dressed her up in her pretty new dress for church, and later that day, we had our annual egg hunt with all the cousins. So, I guess she wasn't completely deprived...although I do have an extra carton of raw eggs taking up space in my fridge; and finally today, I packed away the unused (and unopened) egg dyeing kit... which I'm sure will bring us much joy and Easter.


  1. you really take amazing pictures! such a cute "little sack of sugar!"

  2. Ruby really is so PRECIOUS! Gorgeous inside and out, just like her amazing parents! You have some mad photography skills, Nicole. You could publish them in a magazine they're so good - seriously. Ruby Roo is healing so nicely, and so quickly. What a blessing. Gosh, she is so beautiful that sweet little gem!

    I wish Easter turned out better for you. It was interesting to have it so early this year (it was my b-day!). Did you know that Easter won't come that early again until 2160? Anyway, I'm so glad to hear things are beginning to return to normal!

  3. Cute pictures. And what a fun little song!

  4. Your pictures turned out awesome and I love the song...It is perfect for that montage.

  5. Love that song, love her dress, love her bow and love your photography!!

  6. Great pictures Nicole! Ruby looked so darling on Easter and you looked beautiful yourself. I love that song,it is so perfect for her.

  7. what a sweetie, indeed! you captured some fantastic shots of her... you should be proud.

  8. You are quite the photographer! That was a cute little video. Her face looks like it is healing so well!

  9. I like that song, it's cute! Glad to see the you said, better late than never!
