Tuesday, February 19, 2008

she melts my heart...

I mean seriously, doesn't that face melt your heart too?

Today she threw my phone into the toilet. She totally did it on purpose and to spite me because I was trying to take it away from her. I just get tired of her calling random people in my phone book, most of whom I never talk to or haven't heard from in years. So after asking her nicely to hand it over, and not getting any cooperation on her end, I decided to take matters into my own hands. But she being quicker than I, escaped into the bathroom, and maliciously threw my phone into the toilet, right before my very eyes. Oh, I was so mad. I mean I was livid. I yelled at her. "NO!...WHY WOULD YOU THROW MOMMY'S PHONE INTO THE YUCKY POO POO TOILET?...NO, NO!" Her mouth began to pucker, her lips began to quiver - you know that look right at the onset of a major break down? Then she did something sort of unexpected. She immediately threw her arms tight around my legs and said (in the most irresistable little voice), "Oh, momma". But I resisted. In fact I was still so mad I had to leave the room...and I left her in it. She immediately burst into tears and ran after me. I turned around to see her arms outstretched to me, and desperately sobbing "wub you, momma...wub you...wub you...wub you, momma".
The very first time to tell me she loved me, without any persuasion on my part...

And that, my friends, is the story...of how she melted my heart.


  1. That is so cute. She really is adorable and so sweet...even if she did throw your phone in the toliet.

  2. Oh, those are the best/worst moments! When they melt your heart when you want to be mad! She's darling. I think I'll remember the first time Gretta said she loved me (without coaxing) forever! It's priceless!

  3. That would melt my heart too Nicole. Thank you so much for the chocolates & wonderful card yesterday. You are so sweet.

  4. It's amazing how sweet they can be one minute and how frustrating they can be the next!

    We are thinking about moving to Arizona...but I have some questions/concerns I am wondering if you can help me with. Can you email me? ashoach@gmail.com

  5. That just brings tears to my eyes. She is such a cutie even though she upset you. It is so hard to be mad when they can be the sweetest spirits ever!

  6. Nic, I'm so glad you've realized so early what it took me a number of years to realize myself, that things are just things and they won't last; but, people are people and they last forever.

    wub you! :-)

  7. oh, i've had a week like that, minus the cute 'wub you'. ava has yet to say it... or i have yet to earn it, one of the two.

  8. Oh, my gosh! I wub her! Er, I mean love. :) I can imagine it has got to be the most amazing thing for such a sweet little person to say they love you. She is such a sweetheart.

  9. How SWEET! She makes me want to stretch my arms through the computer screen and give her a great big hug! Ruby reminds me that sometimes we need to let things go, and remember what matters most - love.

  10. PS: I had a dream last night that I was visiting you guys in Arizona. How random, huh? Some creepy guy came to the door, and I fought him off to protect Ruby. Weird how our minds play tricks on us. lol.

    Love to the Eaglestons.

  11. Oh how cute! I got a little teary eyed when i read that!

  12. So, I'm tearing up. For two reasons...

    1- Alex and I have been in that sort of situation SEVERAL times, so I know how you must have felt.


    2- I am so happy to hear that my little girl isn't the only one out there that acts like that!

    She is precious!

  13. It's great when they realize they've made you mad and they try to fix it. So cute!

  14. Ok, for sure that would melt me too! I can't wait until Evelynne says that to me! I just love it! I am sure the phone was forgetten at the that little moment!

  15. Yea I am so happy that I came across your blog!! You and your cute family are so precious!! Your little Ruby is such a cutie. I would have a hard time getting mad at the cutie pie face!! Thanks again for all you guys do for me and Jon. We just need to get together more!! You guys are awesome!! Great blog by the way!!

  16. That is such a cute story! She is such a doll.

  17. What a cutie. I've had plenty of those moments. I love how quick kids are to forgive and forget. It's a good example for me!

  18. thanks for the cute story. once again i'm teary eyed...
