Friday, December 7, 2007

i did it...

I've been wanting to go dark for probably a year now...but I'm not a very daring person, and change has always been difficult for me to even think about. That's why I've pretty much had the same do for years. It's not that I was particularly in love with it...I just never dared to try anything new. While we were in Utah, my sisters (mainly Kim) convinced me that I just needed to take the plunge. As you can see, it still took me about 6 weeks to commit, and then to finally follow through...

before and after shots

Maybe a tad darker than what I was picturing, but I think it's a fun change, and hopefully won't take too long to get used to. Poor Ruby, when I picked her up from my friend who was watching her, I could tell she was a little nervous. In fact, she still refuses to make eye contact with me. C'mon, Ruby...I'm still your mom for cryin' out loud!


  1. Wow. You look so different. Good for you for being daring and adventurous. You know, I think you look a lot like your sister (Lincoln's mom) in the "after" picture.

  2. Ps: Sorry! I remember the baby's name from an old post, but I couldn't remember your sister's name off-hand. I'm sorry! :(

  3. You look HOT! I think you could pull anything off are my fashion idol.

  4. I love it! You look beautiful! I can't wait to see you!

  5. Looks so great!! You are so lucky that you can look great dark and blonde!! I would love to go darker so I wouldn't have roots to deal with but I am still too scared!!!

  6. One more thing...John what a sweet husband you are!! Such a cute comment!!!

  7. Way cute! It is crazy how much your hair color can change your skin color and the colors that look good on you. In the after picture the green headband pops...I think that should be your new favorite color.

  8. It is the new you! Tonight was so fun thanks!

  9. Nicole! You look beautiful! I love it.

  10. WOw that was a surprise. It looks good, you look like a totally different person! And don't worry you can always go lighter if you hate it! That is funny about Ruby, she will get use to it. After all she has the best mamma I know!

  11. You look like a real argentine now! Woo hoo! Mamacita!!

  12. That is so funny about Ruby not looking at you....give it time! Evelynne did the same thing when I cut my hair off! How funny! Anyway, I LOVE the hair!!! I just love it! It looks amazing on you!

  13. i love it!
    Hey will you email me your adress so i can send you a christmas card! my email is

    thanks again!

  14. What a fun change. I love it. If you're thinking it's too dark, first of all it's not...and second of all it will fade a little. Way to be brave!

  15. How fun! I am proud of you for taking the plunge. It looks great.

  16. Nicole! I didn't even recognize you! It looks so good! I love it!!!!

  17. WOW!!!!! You look so different! I love it! I can't wait for you to come home! We're going to have fun watching Frosty on Christmas Eve!

  18. Oh my goodness, you look so different! That's so awesome! I'm a little jealous because I think it's easier for blonde's to go dark than vice versa -- at least without looked a little too bleachy and fake, depending on how dark you are to begin with. Who knows though ... I guess I can't say for sure because I have never tried it. You are definitely brave for going through with it, and it looks like it totally paid off! Looks great!

  19. Nicole, you look gorgeous! I love the dark on you!

  20. I love it! Now you motivate me. I too have been wanting to go dark but so nervous to do so. Maybe I should try it too. I don't know if I can do it though.

  21. Oh, I am so proud! I knew that you would be able to pull of both blond and dark. Great color, great skin tone, great face. It is everything I had hoped for, and more.

  22. 23 comments??!! people must like brunettes better. haha.

    you already know how great i think your hair looks, but in case i haven't told you enough... i love it!!

  23. Hey looks awesome! I like it dark, you look different. I thought you were posting a picture of you and your look alike friend or something! I didn't think it was you with dark hair. Anyway looks good. I have gone a little darker, just a little at a time for me! Take care

  24. I love it! I'm excited to see more pictures in the future, too. Poor little Ruby, though. I guess when I was little my dad grew a beard and I was NOT so supportive. Ha! Good for Ruby not running away crying. You look fabulous, Nicole!

  25. Nicole it looks great. i remember you saying that you wanted to go dark when we worked together almost two years ago. Good job for going for it. I have actually been wanting to go blonde again. we will see.

  26. Now if we wear the same outfit we may look like twins! You look absolutely gorgeous!

  27. I agree with Kira could pull anything off, you are so beautiful. You do look different. Isn't it fun though? I've been thinking of chopping of my hair, just for a change.
    Funny about Ruby though...she'll come around. :D
