Friday, December 21, 2007

holiday high jinks...

For family night this week we took Ruby to the mall for some holiday festivities. They had an area designated where Mrs. Claus led the children in some dancing. Christmas music was booming, (loud enough almost for every mall shopper to hear), and high above us a snow maker spewed giant moistened flakes that whirled around and around to the Christmas beat.
Here we are enjoying the ambiance while daddy snapped some pictures...

Next we were off to sit on Santa's lap. What is it about Santa that is so terrifying to so many children?...Including me at Ruby's exact age?

Ruby at 18 months...and me at 18 months. Don't we look so much alike?

This is a picture of Ruby last year...back in the day when she was perfectly content as long as someone...anyone, was holding her.

And finally - not perfectly - but pretty content now that she isn't all alone with that creepy man in the big red suit!


  1. I love Santa's face in that picture with you. It made me laugh out loud.

  2. You guys look so much alike. Way cute.

  3. How cute!!

    I love that you have a picture of you, at age 18 months, with Santa to compare to Ruby's.

    When Ruby was born, I thought she looked exactly like her daddy. Now, as she gets older she looks more and more like her mommy - you.

    It was so much fun to FINALLY meet Ruby in person last Sunday. The quizzical look on her face when I said "hi" to her was so funny. She looked at me like "who is this crazy blond chick talking to me?" It was so, so nice to see her smile once she had the dolly. And to see her wave/say "bye-bye" just melted my heart.

    I think all babies are cute, but Ruby is GORGEOUS! I love that kid!


  4. Wow, you do look alike, crazy!!!!

  5. Brynley did the same thing this year!

  6. Nicole, I just can't get over how gorgeous you look dark! I wish I could pull off blonde AND dark like you do!

    Anyway, everyday I get onto your blog I hope and hope to see more pictures of that little Ruby. She is beautiful!

  7. Cute pictures. And the Santa one looks just about like Savanna's. It's the strangest love-hate relationship kids have with the guy.

  8. Hi!! Love your blog and your family is so adorable. Ruby is such a doll!

  9. At least the Santa with Ruby is trying to make her happy. The one with you just looks like a big old scary menacing drug dealer in a red suit. Yikes! His look says, "get this kid away from me, or you'll be sorry!" No wonder you were scared!

  10. So cute! Yeah, I don't understand why children are so terrified of the Jolly Old Man either. Is that wrong that I think the hundreds of pictures like your's are hilarious? Very cute pictures still!

  11. Nicole,
    I always love reading your cute posts! I hope you guys have a wonderful time up in Utah! We miss you guys!!! Merry Merry Christmas and Happy New year!!!
    See you in a few weeks!!

  12. How cute, and sad at the same time. I can't believe how much you and Ruby look alike, she is a very lucky girl to look just like her pretty mamma! Merry Christmas!!
