Wednesday, December 12, 2007


They say that the third time is the charm...i don't really know why they say it, or if there has ever been any truth to it. Nonetheless, we did have a charming time at the Mesa temple Christmas lights...for the third time in one week! On Monday, there was a slight chill in the air. We wore our light zip-up jackets. We had invited a bunch of couples out to fellowship and friendship a less active couple, who ironically, ended up bailing at the last minute. Most the other families bailed, too. It was a small group, but we had fun. We stopped off and got ice cream afterwards. Does that sound weird to anyone else? Ice cream after Christmas lights? Only in Arizona.

Wednesday we went for mutual. It was a little colder, a little more crowded, and not as enjoyable having to deal with my 18 month daughter who decided to throw a tantrum because I could not (and would not), stand back any longer and allow her to push her own stroller through (and into) the masses of people. One of the leaders finally pulled a sucker out of her purse hoping it would calm her down. She ended up whacking me in the face with it.

By the time Sunday rolled around, it was much colder, feeling to me- more like December, (and much more like Christmas), we had hot chocolate rather than ice cream (not that I don't just love ice cream, but hot chocolate seems to go better with Christmas lights to me), the cute less active couple came out - along with a few other friends from the ward, and I remembered my camera. So maybe it did take three get it just right!

Ruby and mom all bundled up and excited to go.

all tuckered out after a long, cold night...


  1. You can be grateful that you dare go to the Christmas lights more than once. It is so stinking cold here that I don't think we will brave it again.

  2. ava has a hat that looks just like ruby's but it has a little fringed ball on the top. it's so cute, but she screams whenever i try to put it on her... story of my life.

    so, i checked my messages yesterday and found out you called to invite us out to the temple on sunday. i was so bummed we missed out! looks like a funny chilly night!

  3. I am glad you finally got to have a good experience there! My Jaxon can be the same way. He is almost 15 months and he is starting to get an attitude with me trying to hit me when he doesn't get his way. But you still gotta love them! Ruby is adorable!

  4. Christmas lights and temple always seem to be a great way to reach out people less active (or even non-members). We did that last year.

    And, by the way, ICE CREAM on a cold December day is not weird. Any day is a good ice cream day. (Hot chocolate, especially Stephenson's Irish Creme, is yummy, too.)

    What a little stinker Ruby was being. Then again, it's hard not to love that sweet little face of hers. I guess she's just trying to show her independence. (Ruby, don't hit your mom - she's the best friend you've got!)

  5. Looks like lots of fun!! Cool to experience Christmas in a different state. I remember growing up seeing palm trees decorated with Christmas lights and loving it, now when I go back to California and see that it makes me just doesn't seem to go together!! Kinda like ice cream and Christmas lights!!
    Fun to experience different things though!

  6. PS: I just wanted to clarify that I was just kidding when I said "stinker." My mom would always say that when I was being silly.

    I adore that little Ruby girl.

    PS: That picture with the lights in the background is gorgeous. And, I always love seeing pictures of John with Ruby. You guys are the coolest parents ever! Love to Eaglestons!

  7. Babies look so cute when they're all bundled up! Sometimes I bundle Savanna up when it's not really necessary because I think she looks too cute. Fun pictures. We went there way back when at Christmas time, it's great!

  8. How fun! I am sooo mad that I forgot all aobut it! I am glad you guys had fun!

  9. I hope you're doing good today! Love you!
