Thursday, November 29, 2007

pushed to the limit today...

I decided to post a few pictures of my little Ruby...maybe just for me. After pulling the entire Christmas tree on top of her (resulting in a pile of broken ornaments), tipping over my topiary (leaving a mound of moss and other junk to clean up), and then opening a container of mints and dumping them all over the floor, I guess you could say I was at my wit's end. She had most definitely pushed me to my limit. After a day like today...I think I just needed to look at these to be reminded of how much I love and adore her. I mean really, do you think I could stay mad at that face for too long?


  1. Welcome to toddlerhood! I hope none of the ornaments that broke were those darling ones you posted before! Days like that are the worst and best -- worst for the obvious pull-your-hair-out reasons, and best because you're forced to look at what is really important and you also know you'll always remember that day from their childhood. Not exactly what most people think of when they hear "creating memories", but I think remembering the bad is just as important as the good. It makes for great embarrassing stories to tell when they're older! BTW, she is darling in all those pics!

  2. What a good, kind, patient, loving, understanding mommy you are, Nicole!

    AND Ruby... you are SO BEAUTIFUL!

    I can't believe how she's grown. I still have the Christmas card from last year on the fridge, and it's hard to believe this is the same kid! She looks more like a little girl than a baby now. Then, again I suppose she is nearing toddlerhood.

  3. You are a patient woman!

    (that first pic of Ruby is phenomenal! so cute! great colors!)

  4. I'm just so glad I'm not the only one who has days like that!!

  5. oh man, the whole christmas tree. you are a trooper!

  6. Trust me I know how those days feel, and you are so right, when you look at there sweet innocent face, you can't help but hug and love them even more. She is so cute, and is just growing up so fast! She is a beauty just like her mama!

  7. She is SO SO sweet and cute. I know how those days are when you are at the end of your rope. I am sure you were patient and kind...She is darling though, to remind you how much you truly LOVE her! I love the beautiful pictures.

  8. I'm so glad to know that other moms experience days like that, especially you, Nicole! Wait until she gets to the Terrible Twos! I'm going thru that right now, but it sure is hard to get mad or stay mad when you look at their beautiful faces! Ruby is GORGEOUS!

  9. Love those days! At least you know tomorrows another day! Sorry about the tree!

  10. She is so adorable. Always dressed so cute. I am so happy for you both. Enjoy having just one. The time flies by faster every child you have. At times when my kids are giving me a hard day(Zack has been the hardest) and getting into things I like to take a picture then maybe i can laugh about it later.
    Love ya

  11. Little Ruby! I can't believe she is turning into a little girl! She is so sweet! I know how you feel though. At the end of the day, when they are sleeping, they go back to being innocent! :)

  12. Oh, I agree. You couldn't possibly stay mad at that adorable face.

  13. Oh my gosh! Could your little Ruby be any cuter?! Um...NO!

  14. It's true, she's too cute to stay mad at for long. Sometimes I get so frustrated with Savanna, then 5 minutes later I'm kissing her chubby little cheeks and Steve will say, "You're not mad at her anymore?" I can't be, she's too cute!
