Sunday, November 25, 2007

love is in the air...

While we were decorating the house on Friday, and setting up the tree, John made an interesting comment. He said, "you know what I love most about Christmas? I love that it's a magical time. A time when people are generally happy and good natured towards one another. A time when the whole world celebrates and rejoices together". I then responded with "John, have you completely forgotten what it's like working retail during the Holidays?" We both laughed at that one; and anyone else that has worked retail will probably laugh at that too. Unfortunately, it's also a time that can bring out the worst in people. Impatient people, selfish people, greedy people, and downright mean people...everywhere. Thankfully, I'm at home this year, and I can go on feeling and enjoying the magic of the season. Although it can be a crazy time, it's also a time of peace, and joy. A time of celebration. A time of family togetherness...a time of love.

My mother-in-law was in town this weekend. I love spending time with her. Yesterday we went to one of the many ourdoor malls that they have here in Arizona. It was fun to spend time together as a family. It was so wonderful to be on the other end this time. Rather than rushing around helping customers, clearing out fitting rooms, folding boxes, and ringing up gift cards, I got to soak it all in...stroll along at my own pace, browse, enjoy...but most of all, feel the love that one only feels in the midst of such a magical season.

We all got the biggest kick out of watching Ruby push her own stroller around the shopping plaza...


  1. Was john reading a christmas card aloud when he said that? Cuz christmas is indeed a magical time... Unless you work retail or serve in a restraunt. I know how you feel! The holidays to me meant people being extra anal about how their steak is cooked, or that there food is taking a tad too long, thus preventing them from stuffing their fat faces a minute or two. Can you tell I'm glad I'm out of school and don't work there anymore? ;-)

    ps. It was good to see you guys this weekend!

  2. Nicole, drop Rubes off and your movie days can begin again! Anytime, let us know! I can't wait to go to that new mall, looks like fun!

  3. All of your posts are so sweet! We missed you guys! Hope you had a Happy Thanksgiving week!

  4. Ruby looks so cute wearing that little leopard jacket! I love Christmastime, espcially now that I don't work retail! Not so fun during the holidays.

  5. ruby's coat is so cute, i love it!

    oh, and i love that picture of all of you in the christmas ornament... so artsy.

  6. Nicole so true about retail. This will be my last Christmas working at Nordstrom and I can say already that I can't wait for it to be over. Like you said everyone becomes so anal and holy cow drives me crazy.

  7. After I read what John said, I thought the exact same thing as you! I thought man, has that boy never stepped foot in a store during Christmas? ;D

    All commercialism aside, Christmas really is a unique time of year, people really do act different and most of the time, I think it is for the best.

  8. Oh and "brooke" who posts on your blog (above) is really pretty.

  9. This post made me so happy to be a stay at home mom! I love Nordstrom's and the mall's holiday decorations but I'm so glad I'm not working in them anymore! Much more enjoyable this way!

  10. Just precious!! You have the cutest family ever!

  11. Wow. John is so deep and insightful! :) How can I be a great photographer like you?

    P.S. Thank you for complimenting my hair color. I have thoroughly enjoyed having it dark and it wasn't hard to get used to at all. I think you should do it!!

  12. How fun! I love spending time with family during the season. I don't care what we are doing, I just love to do things during Christmas Time!!!
