Friday, November 16, 2007

lesson learned...

I heard a loud "thud" from Ruby's Room this afternoon...followed by a hysterical squall. As I burst through the bedroom door, I found what I had expected, but also had so greatly feared - and that was Ruby's little body, laying on the floor, at the base of her crib. My heart literally sunk at the sight. I quickly scooped her up into my arms, and it was then that my own tears began to flow.
She's been so active lately. Darting here and there. Discovering. Exploring. Experiencing so many firsts. She recently figured out how to climb up onto the couch by lifting her leg up, and then using it as leverage to hoist the rest of her body up. I'm sure that's what she did in this case too...but this time there was nothing to get up on to, only the cold, hard ground several feet below.
At first I was mad at myself. I felt responsible for what had happened. I should have been able to stop her. That's my job as a mother right? To keep my children from danger. To warn them of the consequences of making wrong choices. To steer them clear of harm's way. To protect. I was supposed to protect her.
Sadly, many of us, even children, can be warned and forewarned. We are taught, we are encouraged, we are admonished, we are advised; but the only way we can really learn, is after we've fallen once or twice. Often times, by making our own mistakes, and then picking ourselves up again, we learn the greatest lessons.
I sure hope Ruby learned something from all of this. I desperately hope this experience rocked her little world. I hope she understands the consequence of her decision, and I hope and pray that she never ever tries that one again...

How must our own Heavenly Father feel with His children? He has provided us with commandments to follow, scriptures to read, prophets who lovingly admonish, other leaders, parents, and the Holy Ghost to guide us every step of the way. How must he feel when, after all He has done to protect us, we still fall? Disappointed? I'm sure. Worried? Of course, he's our Father. Would it be right for Him to interfere, to try and prevent us from ever making another mistake? No, for often times we don't learn and grow until we've fallen a time or two, and then picked ourselves back up again...and of course, we can always expect our Father - our Heavenly Father, to be there to scoop us up in His loving arms.
Although Ruby's fall was one of the scariest things that has happened in the short time I've been her mom, I'm grateful that she's okay... and I'm grateful for the little life lesson I learned today.


  1. Sounds like it is time for a big girl bed :)

  2. Just because it happens once doesn't mean that she can't stay in her crib if you want her to. Ella did the same thing but she was much older. Sometimes kids just need to experience doing that new thing to make them realize it's much more comfy to stay in there. Yikes....I hope she doesn't do it again. She seems way too young for a bed! Sorry Nicole that is so stressful! I'm not loopy anymore, how embarrassing!

  3. All my boys have done that, and each time it still scares me. You never know what could happen but they seem to always bounce back. So don't beat yourself up about it. Hopefully she won't want to try it again!

  4. You probably remember us telling you that the same thing happened to us when you were about Ruby's age. It is very scary! I know the angels watch over children. Thank you for the spiritual insight you gained.

    With love, Dad

  5. As always, I deeply appreciate your spiritual insight and strength. You always seem to say something that I really need to hear at the precise moment.

    I'm SO sorry that little Ruby took a fall. I can only imagine how horribly scary that must have been for you. I hope she wasn't hurt (too much, at least). And I hope she doesn't try that stunt again!

  6. ava, too, fell out of her crib when she was a little younger than ruby. bryce was the one who went in to get her and to this day he can't shake the image out of his mind of ava on the ground.

    ironically, the same day you wrote this post, ava had a bad fall at the park. i swear my daughter is made of rubber. thank heavens for their ability to "bounce" back.
