Thursday, November 22, 2007

i'm rich...

This morning I was reminiscing back to a moment in my childhood in which I was sitting on my dad's lap. I remember him telling me that he was the richest man in the world. He went on to list several of the blessings for which he was grateful, and then explained that to him, being rich had little to do with his monetary blessings, but had everything to do with the spiritual ones. Just another of the many important lessons that my father taught me in my childhood.

Today I feel the same way. I truly feel like the richest person alive. I am constantly in awe of the blessings the Lord has given me, and frequently ask myself what have I ever done to deserve all of this? A Savior. His infinite atonement. The Gospel in it's fullness. A loving, eternal family. Kind friends. Good health. Just to name a few.

This morning John left early to go play in the Turkey Bowl, and Ruby, bless her little heart, slept in until 9:00...allowing me some quiet moments alone to pray and to ponder and to be grateful. Truly I recognize that this was a gift from my Heavenly Father, and I'm grateful that he allowed me this opportunity to reflect...and to fill my heart with gratitude. Truly I am rich.


  1. I couldn't agree with you more! And after reading about what a fun Aunt and Uncle you and John are, I am sure your neices and nephews are thankful for the coolest aunt and uncle EVER!

  2. P.S. I am sure that their parents would agree too!

  3. Nicole, You have such a way with words. Thank you for sharing your heart and testimony...they just shine in your blog, which is why I keep visiting. I'm uplifted and edified AND missing you.

  4. I'm so happy you remember some of my good moments...and, I still feel that way! (And you're one of my rich blessings.)

  5. you have such a fantastic memory! what a wonderful lesson your dad taught you that you still can remember so clearly to this day.

  6. That is why I am so glad Thanksgiving right before I can really reflect on what I have and feel grateful for how rich I sincerely am, before I have to become frantic consumers!
