Wednesday, November 7, 2007

goodbye, sayonara, au revoir, ciao, adios...

Sister Rachel Pitts!

Rae entered the MTC today. I was pretty bummed that I wasn't there to see her off. Sure, I was in Utah a week ago...and we said our goodbyes then; and yeah, I called her last night to send my well wishes, final thoughts, good missionary advice, more farewells, I love yous...the whole bit. But it wasn't the same. I just really wanted to be there with her today. My family took her to lunch at the Brick Oven in Provo, and then headed over the MTC, as she had to be there at 12:30. My Dad said that she woke up this morning feeling pretty calm and collected, and remained that way even during lunch; but as soon as they pulled into the parking lot at the good ol' missionary training center, she was practically hyperventilating! Poor girl. I can remember being a complete basket case for several weeks prior to my entering the I guess being able to prolong these anxieties 'til the very moment of arrival, is pretty good. My dad also told me that as soon as she was handed her missionary plaque - with her name on it, she became emotional. I guess the realization of who she was, and what she would be doing, had really set in. She became overwhelmed with all kinds of emotions as her dream was finally becoming a reality. Wow! What an honor and a privilege for her to be a missionary. To dedicate herself to the Lord and His work. To sacrifice her time, her hard earned money, the pursuit of an education, the talents she might have been cultivating, opportunities for dating, and to literally put her life on hold for such a virtuous cause. I have to add that she'll be fabulous. The time has finally arrived. She has prepared herself well, has been waiting anxiously, and is more than ready to embark on this - one of the noblest of journeys.

May God be with you, Rachel...'til we meet again.

Since I wasn't there today, and have no pictures to post, I think I'll display just a few of the 400 some odd pics that I took at her farewell open house; where I was officially given, and totally merited, the title of paparazzi...

Lynell, Rachel, and Dad

Me and my hubby (it was a bad, bad hair day for me)

Our whole family...complete - not one soul missing (except of course, mom and Isaac - both of whom I'm sure were with us in spirit).

Top row: John, Nicole, Dorothy, Flea Bag, Aaron
Middle Row: Kim, Lincoln, Christian, Lynell, Ruby, Dad, Matt, Jaime, Simon
Bottom Row: Erica, Rachel, Angie

(Funny, I guess I only took one of the three pictures posted :)


  1. Good luck to your sis! I'm sure she'll be amazing.

    I love the dog's name! And I love Ruby's yawn. Such a cute family picture! And incidentally, I'd take a bad hair day of yours over my good one any day. I'm simply happy if I don't have an afro.

  2. Hyperventilating? Poor girl! I can't imagine how many emotions and thoughts get all mumbled up inside of you during an experience like that! I bet the whole family is so proud.

  3. good luck to your sister! i miss her already... hee, hee.

    you have such a beautiful family!

    oh, and you still look gorgeous even with your "bad hair day". i can't imagine what you must think of my hair if you think that's bad hair!

  4. How neat for you and your family! My little brother just completed his final interviews and submitted his mission papers Sunday, so we are all eagerly awaiting his call! I'm sure, as she IS related to you, that your sister will make a fabulous missionary!!!

  5. Wow, how fun! I had fun with you today. Three cheers for a job well done!

  6. Your sister is so cute. I would love to meet her someday. I wish her the best out on her mission. If she is anything like her big sister... she will be an incredible missionary.
